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‘Call for Proposals’: Minerydning og dets bidrag til at styrke den langsigtede genopbygning - styrkelse af nationale og lokale kapaciteter, herunder inddragelse af det ukrainske civilsamfund  

Et 'Call for Proposals' gennemføres med fokus på minerydning og dets bidrag til at styrke den langsigtede genopbygning i Ukraine.  

Ansøger skal 1) have en eksisterende aftale med Udenrigsministeriet om løbende Danida-finansiering under de Strategiske Partnerskaber 2022-2025 (SPA-aftale), 2) dokumentere erfaring med gennemførelse af projekter og partnerskabssamarbejde inden for et eller flere prioritetsområder, herunder have eksisterende lokale partnere, 3) kunne dokumentere faglig og professionel in-house ekspertise på et eller flere af prioritetsområderne.  

Ansøgningsfristen er fredag den 5. april 2024 kl. 12.00.  

Det overordnede formål med dette 'Call for Proposals' er på minerydning og dets bidrag til at styrke den langsigtede genopbygning i Ukraine. Hertil er der et fokus på at styrke nationale og lokale kapaciteter, herunder en inddragelse af det ukrainske civilsamfund. 

Der er reserveret op til 35 mio. kr. til aktiviteterne under dette "Call for Proposals". 

Nærmere beskrivelse af baggrund, formål samt ansøgningskriterier og -proces, kan findes i informationsnoten her

Udenrigsministeriet afholder et informationsmøde onsdag den 6. marts kl. 10.30-11.30 (kan tilgås virtuelt) for at besvare spørgsmål. Tilmelding til mødet kan ske via [email protected] samt [email protected].  

Annex 1 & 2 kan findes i Word-format her


Overview of the questions and answers from the information meeting, 6 March 2024:

Q 1. Does the MFA have a geographical priority area?

Answer: According to the strategic note for reconstruction in Ukraine/Mykolaiv, 60% of the Danish reconstruction efforts must go towards Mykolaiv region and city. However, there is a flexible approach to the geographical scope of this ‘Call for Proposals” and efforts should first and foremost be needs-based and may encompass other relevant areas in Ukraine in addition to Mykolaiv,


Q 2. In the information note, agricultural land is mentioned as one of the areas where clearance is needed. Does the MFA have additional thoughts on other priorities, such as infrastructure?

Answer: Clearance of agricultural lands is critical. Nonetheless, inclusion of other areas to allow for access to i.e. critical infrastructure is permissible, contingent upon demonstrating strategic rationale and alignment with local requirements and needs.


Q 3. Can Kherson also be targeted in this Call for Proposals?

Answer: Kherson can very well be included in the application. The geographic scope of this Call for Proposals is contingent upon identified needs.


Q 4. How will the allocations be divided?

Answer: This will be decided upon once the received proposals have been assessed. The MFA will prioritise a few larger projects.


Q 5. Does the MFA expect an increase or decrease in funding over the coming years?

Answer: The engagement in Ukraine is long term. However, available funding will depend on the approval of the Finance Act. In the application, the organisation should budget for what it expects will be appropriate in the coming years.


Q 6. Should we plan to start the projects in early May?

Answer: The MFA expects that the projects can start as soon as possible after contract signature which is expected end of April/early May.


Q 7. Can victim assistance be included as an element in the proposal?

Answer: Yes.


Q 8. The CfP is mentioning local partners, does this include authorities?

Answer: The focus is on local stakeholders, duty bearers as well as local civil society organisations.


Q 9. Is it possible to include secondments in the proposals?

Answer: Secondments to national and local authorities may be included in the proposals, but the specifications of the secondment should be approved by the MFA.


Q 10. How does the MFA view innovation as part of the projects?

Answer: New approaches and innovation is encouraged. However, the allocation of funds should not be exclusively directed towards i.e. technological development, but innovative approaches can be included in the project design.


Q 11. How should we approach the problems that follow when releasing agricultural land?

Answer: The MFA is aware of the challenges in the mine action field. Risks and mitigation efforts should be included in the applications.


Q 12. Can the proposal include a link to other existing local development programming i.e. on economic recovery and agriculture?

Answer: yes.



EUNABO 7. March 2024