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Whistleblower Mechanism

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professional ethics among our staff in every area of our operations and to ensuring the proper administration of public funds. The MFA wants to promote an open organisational culture, where it is safe to report serious offences or suspicion of serious irregularities that have taken place or will take place in the MFA. 

More specifically, you can report to the whistleblower mechanism regarding the following matters:

  • Violations of EU law
  • Criminal offences
  • Violations of the law
  • Violation of administrative law principles
  • Serious or repeated violations of significant internal guidelines
  • Serious personal conflicts in the workplace
  • Sexual harassment
  • Intentional misinformation of citizens and partners

The whistleblower mechanism can be used by current and past MFA employees, persons, who are not yet employed, but who are reporting information in relation to the hiring process or other pre-contractual negotiations, and employees of the partners with which the MFA has a more formalised and continuous cooperation.

The whistleblower mechanism is guided by the MFA’s Whistleblower policy. Potential whistle-blowers are encouraged to read the policy before submitting a report. If in doubt, please contact the MFA’s whistleblower unit (see contact details below). 

If you want to submit a report, it should be done through the whistleblower portal here.

You can also report through the external whistleblower channel that is embedded in The Danish Protection Agency. Read more about the external whistleblower mechanism in appendix 1 in The Danish Ministry of Justice’s guidelines on whistleblower mechanisms in the public sector (in Danish only). However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs encourage you to report through the internal whistleblower mechanism. 

Notice that the Danish whistleblower act (in Danish only) does not limit the rules on freedom of speech for public employees. This means that as a private person you can express yourself freely. Read more about freedom of speech as an employee in the public sector in The Danish Ministry of Justice’s guidelines for whistleblowers (in Danish only).

DANIDA Anti-corruption hotline

This hotline is for people, who work for a partner receiving external grants from the MFA, or who in any other way has knowledge about corruption or other forms of irregular administration of activities financed through Danish development assistance. Read more here.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Whistleblower Mechanism 

KONTROL (Internal Control & Oversight)

Asiatisk Plads 2

DK-1448 Copenhagen K


Tel. (+45) 33921900 (10-15 hrs. local Danish time on weekdays).