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A team of consultants for the formulation of a fifth phase of Denmark's Africa programme for Peace

Deadline for applications: 8 November 2022, at 14:00, Danish time


The purpose of this assignment is to support the Royal Danish Embassy in Addis Ababa (RDE) and the Department for Africa, Policy and Development (APD) in the process of formulating the next phase of Denmark’s Africa Programme for Peace (APP V). The duration of the assignment is estimated to 12 months with an expected start in mid- December-2023, ending in mid-December 2023.

The programming process will start with an identification phase to be finalised in December 2022, producing an Identification Note outlining the strategic scope of the new phase. This is followed by a formulation phase, which will be concluded prior to the approval of the final programme in November 2023. The team of consultants will support the RDE and APD during the formulation phase of the programme, specifically in developing, drafting and assisting in finalising the programme document and related annexes including Project Documents. This process includes identifying, suggesting and carrying out background analyses for a fifth phase.

For the proposal, the total assignment is expected to take no more than 90 days including formulation mission(s) and process management, for the period from mid-December 2023 to mid-December 2023. The contract cannot exceed 850.000 DKK. The budget of the contract must cover both fees and reimbursable expenses net of VAT (as set out in Article IX in the Consultancy Agreement). 

Deadline for applications:
8 November 2022 14:00, Danish time

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contact person stated below.

Contact point:       
Name of Programme Officer: Anders Lind Thorning, Jesper Clausen and Stine S. Iskov
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Telephone of Programme Officer: + 251 911500043

Criteria for selection:

A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender