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Restricted Procedure: Appraisal of the Programme: Climate Resilient Eastern African Transboundary Water - Management for Environmental Sustaintability (CREATES)

Deadline: 08-03-2024 at 12:00 Danish time


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks to undertake an appraisal of the programme: Climate Resilient Eastern African Transboundary Water Management for Environmental Sustaintability (CREATES) covering the period 2024-2028. 


The purpose of the appraisal is to provide strategic and technical quality assurance of CREATES’  design and documentation for the finalisation and submission of the programme document to the Council for Development Policy prior to approval by the Minister as per Guidelines for Country Strategic Frameworks, Programmes and Projects.


The appraisal will be conducted based on a desk review of documents and initial interviews followed by a mission to a selected countries in East Africa covered by CREATES (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia) and the HQ of one of the suggested partners in Geneva. The appraisal initiation and field missions will take place also dependent of the availability of the qualified consultants in either April/May or May/June.    
The final methods/approach will be discussed within the team and thereafter with the unit KLIMA in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), which will manage the programme, and with relevant Embassies. These meetings will be organised as part of the preparations of the field missions. 
The appraisal team is expected to provide the following outputs: 1) A Preparation Note outlining the main issues of concern and methods within the framework of the appraisal. 2) A de-briefing note highlighting key findings and recommendations. 3) A draft appraisal report with key findings and recommendations. 4) A final appraisal report which should include an elaboration of the key findings as well as recommendations.   


The appraisal is expected to start in the beginning of April 2024 or end of May 2024 (see below), and conclude by ultimo August 2024. The period ultimo March to mid April (if alternative one is chosen) or mid May to mid June (if the second alternative is chosen) will comprise the inception phase. The field mission to the region and Geneva will take place either in the period April 8 – 25 or May 27 – June 13 2024. 

Report drafting will take place during the field mission and after and the first draft of the appraisal report shall be finalised either May 10 (alternative one) or June 28 (alternative two). The finalisation of  the final report will be decided in a discussion between the responsible MFA departments LÆRING, KLIMA and relevant embassies with due attention to the deadlines for submission of the final draft programme document to the Council for Development Policy.


Two international consultants/experts are required for this assignment. The team should include 1) An international consultant with expertise in climate change adaptation including locally led water resource management and nature based solutions. 2) An international Financial Management Expert with proven substantial experience from financial management of development programmes/projects.    
Consultant 1 should be the team leader for the external consultants. All consultants are expected to have very good working knowledge of the English language. Consultant 1 should have experience from Eastern Africa. The appraisal team is to be led by a chief advisor from the MFA/LÆRING. 


The budget maximum is DKK 605,000.00 net of VAT.

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contract person stated below.

Contact point: Evaluation, Learning and Quality
Name of the Programme Officer: Nina Berg
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected] cc: [email protected]
Telephone of the Programme Officer: +4533920800

Criteria for selection:
A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender.