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Appraisal of the Bilateral Programme in Somalia

Deadline for applications: 9 October 2023, at 12:00 (noon), Danish time


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks to undertake an appraisal (pre- and desk appraisal) of the new Bilateral Programme for Danish development cooperation with Somalia covering the five-year period 2024-2028. 

The purpose of the appraisal (pre- and desk appraisal) is to provide strategic and technical quality assurance of the Bilateral Development Programme design and documentation before submission to the State Secretary for Development Cooperation Policy for approval as per Guidelines for Country Strategic Frameworks, Programmes and Projects.

The pre-appraisal will be conducted based on a desk review of documents and initial interviews followed by a mission to Nairobi/Somalia in January 2024. A desk-appraisal of the revised documents from the Embassy will take place in May/June 2024. 
The appraisal team is expected to provide the following outputs: 1)A Preparation Note outlining the main issues of concern and methods within the framework of the appraisal. 2) A de-briefing note highlighting key findings and recommendations. 3) A draft pre-appraisal report with key findings and recommendations. 4) A final pre-appraisal report which should include an elaboration of the key findings as well as recommendations 5) A brief desk appraisal report.   

The appraisal is expected to start December 2023, and conclude by Ultimo June 2024. No work is expected in March-May 2023. Mid December to mid January will comprise the inception phase. The field mission to Nairobi/Somalia will take place end January 2024. Report drafting and finalisation will take place from mid February to end March. Desk appraisal will place in June. Only a smaller input is expected in June on the desk appraisal. All dates are tentative. 

Three international consultants/experts are required for this assignment. The team should include 1) an international expert in institution and peace building, reconciliation and democratic governance, rights, economic state institution building and 2) An international consultant/expert in climate chance adaptation, access to water, private sector development, SME development, climate smart agriculture and 3) An international programme governance/financial management/results monitoring expert. It is an advantage if one of the consultants has experience with forced displacement and social security. One of the consultants should be team leader for the external consultants. All consultants are expected to have very good working knowledge of the English languages. Consultant 1 and 2 should have solid experience with the context in Somalia. The appraisal team is led by a chief advisor from the MFA and will include additional staff from ELK.

The budget maximum is DKK 900,000.00 net of VAT.

Deadline: 9 October 2023, at 12:00 (noon), Danish time

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contract person stated below.

Contact point: Evaluation, Learning and Quality
Name of the Programme Officer: Alberte Linde Forsell on behalf of Marina Buch Kristensen
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected]
Telephone of the Programme Officer: +45 33 92 10 20

Criteria for selection:
A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender.