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Consultancy for identification of implementing partners for a Team Europe Initiative on Circular Economy in ASEAN - Indonesia

Deadline for applications: 03 November 2023, at 14:00, Danish time 

Description: The Danish Embassy to Indonesia and ASEAN has been asked to implement the project component on Circular Economy (CE) of the Team Europe EU-ASEAN Green Initiative. The key objective of the component is to establish and promote a coherent regional transition towards a circular, climate neutral, and resource efficient economy while reinforcing multilateral partnerships with ASEAN and member states in combating environmental challenges. The CE component is suggested to consist of three main pillars that being: (1) circular economy policy dialogue, (2) transboundary waste terminology and data, and (3) knowledge sharing for ASEAN Member states (AMS) and Cities. The CE part of the TEI has a budget of € 5 mil and is planned to be implemented from 2024-2028. The project document between EU and the Danish Embassy has been approved, but will be revised due to an expected additional Danish national contribution of € 1.34 mil.

This consultancy assignment relates to finding the three eligible partners to implement the respective three project pillars of the project.

The tasks of the assignment is two-fold 1) to identify and engage with potential implementing partners in Team Europe Indonesia (TEI) on Circular Economy (CE) in ASEAN 2) to assist in drawing up contracts for implementing partners ensuring that they are aligned with MFA and EU requirements. If several or no eligible partners are identified for a specific project pillar the consultant will assist in developing Terms of Reference and other tendering material for the given pillar of the project. The estimated input of the contract is around 30 working days with a maximum budget of DKK 300.000 including audit. The assignment is expected to be conducted from 8th January 2024 and concluded in April 2024. The exact timing is to be negotiated with the chosen candidate.

Deadline for applications: 03 November 2023, at 14:00, Danish time

Contact point: Danish Embassy to Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Timor- L’este and ASEAN.
Name of programme officer: Pernille Dueholm
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected] and [email protected], please send to both
Telephone of Programme officer: Direct -45 3392 0604 / Mobile +45 21729334

Criteria for selection:

The three applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender.