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Identification and Formulation of a civic engagement support facility - Somalia Country Programme 2024-28

Deadline for applications: 4 August 2023, at 16:00, Danish time

RDE Somalia wishes to procure a consultant team to conduct an identification and potential formulation of Denmark’s future support  to civil society under the upcoming Somalia Country programme 2024-28. The assignment will focus on identifying scope and options for engagement and – as an option – support formulation within the preferred option.

The contract will be divided into two options. Option 1 will focus on identification wherein the consultants will be asked to  identify possible options for support, including setup, management joint work with other donors, support windows and priority areas. Pursuant to RDE Somalia agreeing to a second phase, Option 2 will focus on formulation. This will include additional 
document review and consultations with the intention of producing a “Programme Document” and relevant annexes in line with Danida “Aid Management Guidelines.” 

Deliverables: The consultants will be expected to complete 5 deliverables under Option 1 (Kick-Off Meeting, Inception Report, Draft Identification Note, Facilitated Workshop, and Final Identification Note) and 4 deliverables under Option 2 (Mission Preparation Report, Draft Programme Document, Facilitated Workshops, and Final Programme Document).

Estimated Value (excl. VAT): The estimated value of the contract is around DKK 800.000. This is based on an estimated LOE of around 80 days (N.B.: final LOE days will be based on proposals received). This includes fees, per diems and “other direct costs” (ODCs) for all team members. 

The Senior Consultant daily rates is estimated around DKK 8.000 based on experience with the recent RDE Somalia pre-studies to guide the development of the new Country Strategic Framework.
Other consultancy rates are estimated at between 2000 to 8000 depending on seniority.

Deadline for applications: 4 August 2023, at 16:00, Danish time

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contact person stated below.

Contact point:       
Name of Programme Officer: Jens-Peter Dyrbak (After 22 July 2023 - Marianne Vestergaard)
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected] (After 22 July 2023 - [email protected]
Telephone of Programme Officer: +254 708712849 (After 22 July 2023 - +254 797913823 

Criteria for selection:
A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender