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Mid-term review of DIGNITY - Global

Deadline for applications: 24 October 2023, at 13:00, Danish time

This mid-term review is part of the regular monitoring of the partnership between the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture (hereafter: DIGNITY). The MFA wishes to initiate a mid-term review of the strategic and programmatic achievements of the grant agreement described in the Development Engagement Document: Support to DIGNITY “A World without Torture 2021-24” with the MFA.

Objective of contract:
The objective of the mid-term review is in light of the Development Engagement Document, to assess the organisational capacity of DIGNITY and its ability to implement strategies and programmes and assess results, progress, challenges, risk factors, and possible needs for adjustments due to changes in context. 

Method and outputs:
The mid-term review will be conducted based on a desk review of documents and initial interviews followed by missions to two countries, tentatively Uganda and Liberia. Online interviews with partners and stakeholders in other countries are foreseen. The final methods/approach will be discussed within the mid-term review team and with the DIGNITY. 

The mid-term review team is expected to provide the following outputs: 1) A Mission Preparation Note outlining the main focus areas, issues of concern and methods within the framework of the review. 2) Short De-briefing notes from each country visit highlighting key findings and recommendations. 3) A draft mid-term review report with key findings and recommendations. 4) A final mid-term review report which should include an elaboration of the key findings as well as recommendations.  

Scope of contract:
The contract for the assignment is expected to be signed in December 2023 and the actual mid-term review will start in mid-January 2024 and last until the beginning of March 2024. The final report is expected to be submitted by the 5th of March.

Two international consultants/experts are required for this assignment. 1: A senior consultant with expertise within organisational development, reviews and human rights based approach and experience with work related to prevention of torture and rehabilitation of torture survivors. 2: Senior Consultant with Financial Management and MEAL Expertise. Both consultants must have a very good working knowledge of English and at least one of them shoudl be familiar with the MFA AMGs. The Organisational Development Expert will function as team leader for the external consultant team under the overall team-leadership of the ELK/MFA representative. 

The budget maximum is DKK 600,000.00 net of VAT.

Deadline for applications: 24 October 2023, at 13:00, Danish time

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contract person stated below.

Contact point: Evaluation, Learning and Quality
Name of the Programme Officer: Kristin Skov-Spilling
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected]
Telephone of the Programme Officer: +45 23748336

Criteria for selection:
A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender.