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OSINT and mentoring consultancy services for the National Anti-corruption bureau of ukraine and other members of ukraines seize and freeze task force

Deadline for applications: 1 July 2022, at 12:00 (noon), Danish time 

The key objective is the contract is to provide mentoring and expert advice to individual members of the task force, first and foremost NABU but also the task force collectively in Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) as well as render OSINT services and provide expertise on the benefits of different data generating tools.

The Consultant should perform the following actions, walking the investigators through the following stages:

1.   Establish a desk-top case management system, so that from the outset all the work undertaken by researchers and investigators is appropriately recorded and court ready. Conduct desk-based inquiries to research subject(s) of investigation. 

2.   Using state intelligence-inspired commercial software tools and bulk data sets to conduct open and closed data analysis on all persons and entities of interest. Advise on the most useful tools and data generators, both available against the subscription fee and free of charge.

3.   Help identify facilitators and intermediaries for the suspects. Research into the corporate holdings of the subject(s) and their family members

4.   Advise on conducting in-person on the ground inquiries to establish the physical location of assets, their potential value and any challenges that may present difficulties in either restraining or realising the asset

5.   Advise on legal documents, analytical products to support any inferences made, connection to assets, roles of key people including facilitators to support legal action, photographic evidence of physical assets. Advise on how, doing this, protection of human rights is ensured. 

6.   Organise an overall OSINT training for the whole task force group members.

7.   Produce a report, specifying the recommendations for the Ukrainian law enforcement and other members of the task force in pursuing further actions, in particular specifying where further capacity building is needed and which data tools and data generators would be
useful for them to use. 

The estimated value of the contract (excluding VAT) is EUR 67,000 (Consultant’s expenses). 

The programme has also set aside a budget for Ukrainian-English-Ukrainian interpretation costs of the online training for the UA task force, if necessary. If it is decided that travel is required, the EUACI will cover travel, accommodation and per diem costs either for the Consultants (3 persons) or the Ukrainian beneficiaries (6 representatives). 

The maximum duration of the contract is four months   

Deadline for applications: 1 July, at 2022 12:00, Danish time

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contact person stated below.

Contact point:       
Name of Programme Officer: Elena Konceviciute
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected]
Telephone of Programme Officer: +380 686935177

Criteria for selection:
Three applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender