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Quality Assurance of Danish Engagements in and around Syria - Lebanon and Jordan

Deadline for applications: 18 July 2022, at 14:00, Danish time

Denmark provides aid in and around Syria through inter alia the programme "Support to Syria and Syria’s Neighbourhood (3SN)". The 3SN programme 2021-23 contains a series of engagements and potential engagements with partners in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria in the area of protection and livelihoods. The support is part of Denmark’s continued efforts to strengthen assistance in areas and countries neighbouring crisis and conflict, targeting internally displaced people (IDPs), refugees and affected local communities in accordance with the priorities in Denmark’s 2021 development strategy and the Global Compact on Refugees of December 2018. 

Since its inception, the 3SN has complemented the Regional Develoment and Protection Programme (RDPP), of which the first phase commenced in 2014 and the current second phase is expected to finish in December 2022. The RDPP does not implement directly, but engages in partnerships with and provides grants to civil society organisations and international NGOs with the aim to support refugees and host communities. In the new 2021-23 phase, this is reflected through the full incorporation of RDPP into the overall 3SN programme framework.
Programme formulation is ongoing and the final programme documentation is expected to be ready in July/August. In all likelihood, the programme will remain focused on the same thematic engagement areas as the current phase; sustainable livelihoods, upholding and expanding protection space, and advocacy and policy dialogue. 

The overall purpose of the assignement is to provide quality assurance of the 3SN programme, including RDPP, in view of updating the Council for Development Policy (UPR) on status and proposing recommendations that inform dialogue with partners and considerations for adjustments and future support. 

The value of the contract is estimated at maximum DKK 835,000, excluding VAT. This is based on an estimated input of a total of 84 person days for three consultants: Expert 1: Development, protection and livelihoods specialist; Expert 2: Humanitarian and Development Nexus specialist and Expert 3: Financial Management specialist. Expert 1 or 2 shall act as external team leader. Reimbursable expenses include travel cost to Jordan and Lebanon, including hotel and per diem; audit expenses and other relevant costs. 

The assignment is expected to start in the first half of September 2022 and to be completed by 31 October 2022. Tentative travel dates to Lebanon and Jordan are set for the end of September/beginning of October for two weeks. 

Deadline for applications: 18 July 2022, at 14:00, Danish time

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contact person stated below. 

Contact point: Department for Evaluation, Learning and Quality
Name of Programme Officer: Esther Lønstrup
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected]
Telephone of Programme Officer: +45 23674329

Criteria for selection: 
A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender.