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Retender - Review of Danish Migration related engagements 2018-2022  - Global

Deadline for applications: 15 May 2023 at 12:00 (noon), Danish time

Denmark has been strengthening its support to migration related engagements in recent years as it is one of the key priorities in the Danish development strategy “The World We Share”. Concretely, Danish support in this field focuses on three main tracks of interventions which are i) seeking to prevent irregular migration by promoting legal pathways, ii) strengthening migration management along irregular migration routes, and iii) promoting return and readmission. In addition, Danish interventions set out to address the root causes of irregular migration by incorporating considerations on migration into broader development interventions. 

This review will solely focus on migration engagements within the three main tracks described and specifically concerns engagements guided by two sets of interlinked political priorities on i) supporting efforts for a fair and humane asylum system, and ii) cooperation on return and readmission. Support to efforts for a fair and humane asylum system includes technical assistance and capacity building to prevent irregular migration, strengthen border and migration management, building asylum systems etc. in regions of origin, along irregular migratory routes and relevant third countries. Cooperation on return and readmission is dedicated to activities to improve third countries’ ability to handle migration challenges and readmit own nationals. 

The overall objective of the review is to assess the performance of engagements in these areas in the period 2018-2022, and to provide recommendations to inform the development of a strategic and coherent framework for future Danish migration engagements in line with the political priorities. It will have a primary, in-depth focus on the Western/Atlantic Mediterranean route and Western Balkan route, and a secondary focus on the Central Mediterranean route and Eastern Mediterranean route. 

Timing and methodology: 
The assignment is expected to commence by mid-August and to be completed by mid-November 2023. The review will be done at two levels: i) a portfolio overview assessment; ii) a more thorough assessment of a sample of projects/programmes and/or key partners. It will be conducted based on a combination of document review and consultations with relevant stakeholders, partners and beneficiaries, including through field missions along the migratory routes of primary focus of this review.

Qualifications of consultants: 
The assignment will be performed by three senior consultants with at least 10 years’ international experience in the areas of i) migration and refugees responses, ii) migration management, and iii) financial management and results reporting. The consultants should have experience in conducting programme reviews and/or evaluations. Experience with Danida Programme Management Guidelines and from work in relevant regions is an advantage.  
Budget: The assignment is estimated to take a maximum of 80 working days divided between the three consultants. The total budget for the assignment incl. fees and reimbursable expenses net of VAT is a maximum of DKK 7700,000.  

Deadline for applications: 15 May 2023 at 12:00 (noon), Danish time
Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contact person stated below.

Contact point: 

ELK [Embassy or unit, etc.- no abbreviations]
Name of Programme Officer: Anne-Catherine Legendre
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected]; cc: [email protected]
Telephone of Programme Officer:  + 45 3392 1544


Criteria for selection:
A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender.