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Preparation and development of a programme in support of the intersections between gender equality, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and climate change

06-05-2024 at 16:00 Danish time

The purpose of the assignment is 1) to design a new program for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the period 2024-2027 of an amount of DKK 155 mio. with the thematic focus on implementing interventions in the intersection between climate change and gender equality and SRHR.

The content of the programme document will take its outset from the (nearly finalized) desk review of the evidence base related to the intersections between climate change and gender equality and SRHR. The desk review also identifies gaps in the response to impacts of climate change on gender equality and SRHR. These findings will inform the programme design process.

The objective of the assignment is in short, in close dialogue with the MFA, to design and develop a programme including writing the programme document and underlying project documents as well as other relevant documents in support of the implementation of the overall programme.

The completion of the assignment is estimated to involve approximately 40 working days. The budget to include fees and reimbursable and audit costs. The assignment is expected to start early June 2024 and last for approximately 1,5 months. The tentative deadline for the assignment is August 5 2024. Timing of milestones to be agreed with the consultant.

Deadline for application

06-05-2024 at 16:00 Danish time.

Interested Consultants can request to get the instructions prepared for applicants by e-mail to the Contact person stated below.


Contact person Jacqueline Bryld

• E-mail: [email protected]
• Phone: +45 29 16 96 53

Criteria for selection 

The three applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender