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Appraisal of the programme Support to Syria and Syria’s neighbourhood (3SN)- Lebanon and Jordan, 2024-2028 

06-05-2024 at 12:00 Danish time


Background: The appraisal concerns the programme Support to Syria and Syria’s Neighbourhood (3SN) – Lebanon and Jordan, 2024-2028, which is currently under formulation. The programme is a continuation of Denmark’s support to the response to the Syrian displacement crisis in the region. It will be implemented and monitored by the Royal Danish Embassy (RDE) in Beirut, which covers Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.    

Objective: The objective of the assignment is to assist the Department of Evaluation, Learning and Quality (LÆRING) in undertaking an impartial assessment of the proposed 3SN programme, and provide recommendations for the finalisation of the 3SN programme document and its underlying project documents including annexes.

Methods and outputs: The appraisal will include a desk review of the programme documentation including relevant background material, and a two-week field mission to Lebanon and Jordan. The following outputs are expected: 1) A Mission Preparation Note (MPN) of approx. 5–10 pages, outlining the main issues of concern and methods within the framework of the appraisal, 2) A debriefing presentation highlighting key preliminary findings and recommendations, 3) A draft Appraisal Report with key findings and recommendations, and 4) A final appraisal report of max 15 pages, excluding annexes.  

Timeframe: The appraisal is expected to kick-off on 1st July and be completed by October 2024. The field mission to Lebanon and Jordan is planned to take place between 26 August to 6 September 2024 with delivery of the draft appraisal report on 20th September 2024.

Consultants: Three external consultants are required for this assignment: External consultant 1: Expert in protection, humanitarian, development and peace nexus in displacement and conflict-affected contexts; External consultant 2: Expert in economic opportunities, humanitarian, development and peace nexus in displacement and conflict-affected contexts, and Expert consultant 3: Expert in budgeting and financial management. External Consultant 1 or 2 shall act as the coordinator of the external consultant team. At least one these two external consultants must have strong, up-to-date knowledge about the Syria crisis and its interrelations with the political and economic situation in Lebanon and Jordan. 

Budget: The budget maximum is DKK 800.000 net of VAT.

Deadline for application

06-05-2024 at 12:00 Danish time

Interested Consultants can request to get the instructions prepared for applicants by e-mail to the Contact person stated below

Contact point: Evaluation, Learning and Quality (LÆRING)

Contact person: Kimiko H. Pedersen

Contact e-mail: [email protected] (with cc to [email protected])

Criteria for selection 

A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for the assignment will be invited to submit a tender.