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Technical assistance to support youth advisory panel in Palenstine

Deadline for applications: 10 February 2022, at 14:00, Danish time.

Involving youth in shaping policies and programmes is a top priority for Denmark, the EU and the UN in Palestine, but it has been a challenge to ensure that it happens regularly and systematically. Based on good practices, Denmark, the EU and the UN have therefore joined forces to establish a Palestinian Youth Advisory Panel (YAP), which will provide ongoing input to the Palestinian Authority, Denmark, the UN, and the EU and its Member States on selected policy, strategic and implementation issues. The Youth Advisory Panel was established in October 2021, but its members are lacking some of the important skills and coordination mechanisms that will allow them to organise logistically, plan their actions and campaigns. The Danish Representative Office aims to contribute to skills exchange, personal and professional development by providing technical assistance to fill in the gaps as well as advising, and supporting the YAP in organising and building their capacity with a sustainable approach. 

The objectives of this assignment are:1. To support the YAP in providing high-quality advice to the PA, Denmark, the UN, and the EU and its Member States on the inclusion of youth in strategies, programmes and implementation efforts. 2. To build the capacity of YAP members in the areas of human rights and civic engagement, thereby enabling them to continue to hold PA and donors to account on youth related commitments.  3. To contribute to the continuation of the YAP by developing a transition and sustainability plan. 

Scope of work:
The scope of work will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the follwing functions and tasks:
Inception phase:
- Detailed work plan for the consultancy team, including milestones.
- Inception meeting with Denmark, EU and UNFPA and a possible inception meeting with the UN Theme Group on Young People.
- Inception meeting with the Youth Advisory Panel.

Implementation phase:
- Develop an action plan for the YAP for the years 2022-2024.
- Coordinate, facilitate and document 36 YAP meetings and liaise with Denmark, the EU and UNFPA. Focus will be on providing inputs and constructive feedback to the strategies, programmes and projects of the PA, Denmark, the EU and its Member States, and the UN. 
- Design and implement a training programme for the YAP-members in the areas human rights and civic engagement.
-Develop a comprehensive annual communication and advocacy plan, this will not merely be a medium for communicating activities, but will be strategically used to advocate for change in favour of young Palestinians’ human rights.
- Develop and implement at least one campaign on a human rights issue identified by the YAP.
- Five YAP-members visit to Denmark to raise awareness of issues facing youth in Palestine and exchange experiences and learnings with Danish youth activists.
- Mid-term report with impact story showcasing Palestine experience in the implementation of the YAP. The impact story should include pictures, lessons learned, recommendations, and messages for social media. (max 15 pages).
- Any other duties as required by the DRO in relation to the work of the YAP is delivered to the satisfaction of DRO in conversation with UNFPA, the EU and its member states.

Transition phase:
- A detailed transition plan and sustainability strategy for the YAP. Final report with impact stories showcasing Palestine experience in the implementation of the YAP. - The story should include pictures, lessons learned, recommendations, and messages for social media. (max 15 pages). 

A participatory and consultative approach with the YAP will be required throughout the assignment with emphasis on involving Denmark, the EU and the UNFPA when necessary.

The contract will run for 24 months from the signing of the contract. Contract start and introductory meeting with DRO, EU, UNFPA, and the UN Theme Group on young people immediately after signature of contract tentatively ultimo March 2022. 

Three consultants are required for the assignment. The team should include (i) a team leader, (ii) a Human Rights' advocacy and engagement specialist, and (iii) a youth empowerment specialist. Geographical distribution of the consultants across the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza will be an asset, along with their ability to move around. Additionally, one of the consultants should be based in the Gaza strip to support in serving the youth based there.

The total number of working hours to be delivered is not expected to exceed 710 hours between the three members of the consultancy team. The maximum budget for the contract is DKK 950,000.00 net of VAT. Within the budget the consultants should include hourly fees and any reimbursable costs, including among others, all costs related to the YAP’s visit to Denmark Denmark (Air-tickets, Accommodation, Daily Subsistence Allowance, Visa fees etc.), all costs related to YAP meetings (transport, refreshments etc.). 

Deadline for applications: 10 February 2022, at 14:00, Danish time

Interested Consultants can request the documents for participation by email to the contact person stated below.

Contact point:       
Name of Programme Officer: Ole Justesen
E-mail address, Programme Officer: [email protected]
Telephone of Programme Officer: +972 547119215

Criteria for selection:
A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for this assignment will be invited to submit a tender