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Evaluation Study of Development Cooperation through Delegated Partnerships with the EU

Deadline for application 10-02-2025 at 14:00, Danish time 

Delegated cooperation can cover a broad range of working arrangements; “when one donor (a “lead donor”) acts with authority on behalf of one or more other donors (the “delegating” donors or “silent partners”). The level and form of delegation vary, ranging from responsibility for one element of the project cycle for a specific project (e.g. a particular review) to a complete sector programme or even a country programme.”  
A key aim of delegated cooperation is to enhance aid effectiveness and reduce transaction costs, benefitting both partner countries and donors. Potential benefits of the modality include increased outreach, visibility, leverage, and impact of projects and programmes, as well as greater donor coordination and decreased donor competition. However, delegated cooperation also carries risks, such as potential conflicts of interests or priorities among involved donors. Differing financial and administrative requirements and decision-making processes can also pose challenges.
The Danish MFA (hereafter MFA) engages in delegated cooperation both as lead donor and as delegating/silent donor, and in cooperation with a range of different partners. The present assignment concerns delegated cooperation with the EU, with a particular focus on cooperation where EU has delegated the implementation of actions in indirect management to the MFA (whether it be embassies/representations or departments). To inform the future use of this modality by the MFA and like-minded donors, LEARNING is commissioning an evaluation study that will provide an overview of the evolving use over the past 10 years and offer insights on lessons learned and recommendations for future programming and management. 

The objective of the study will be to provide lessons learned and to point to opportunities for improvements in regard to the use of delegated cooperation with the EU by the MFA and like-minded donors. The study will explore the conditions necessary for leveraging the benefits of the modality while effectively managing associated risks.

Scope of work
The main focus of the study is expected to be delegated cooperation between the EU and the MFA (central MFA or embassies) over the ten-year period from 2014 to 2023, where the MFA is entrusted by the EU with the implementation of actions in indirect management. The study will focus on the benefits, challenges, and overall relevance of the modality of delegated cooperation from the MFA’s perspective. To enhance the overall findings and recommendations, the study will further incorporate insights from at least two like-minded donors.
Due to the limited number of delegated cooperations between the MFA and the EU, where the MFA is the delegate, the study is expected to cover the entire portfolio. Additionally, in-depth remote case studies for 3-5 delegated cooperations are required. These case studies will encompass examples of delegated cooperation from both Africa and Asia.
To illustrate other experiences with governing delegated cooperation, the study will also examine the policies, rules and procedures that govern delegated cooperation where the MFA acts as delegator and the EU as the entrusted delegate.
The evaluation team will need to visit MFA HQ in Copenhagen for data collection and dissemination of findings. Additionally, the team will need to visit HQ of two-three like-minded donors in Europe. 

Methods and output
The study is expected to adopt a mixed methods approach, where questions are explored using quantitative and qualitative data and analysis as well as a combination thereof. In terms of data collection instruments, the study is expected to rely on, for example, portfolio analysis (e.g. using MFA financial data and EU data), literature and document reviews, web-based questionnaires and interviews with representatives from both the MFA in Copenhagen, embassies, EU administrators and HQ/embassies of other donors.
The following outputs are envisaged: An inception report, short briefs for each case study, draft study report(s), final study report.

The study is scheduled to take place during the first two quarters of 2025, with finalisation potentially extending into the early part of the third quarter.

Evaluation team
The study will be conducted by a small team of core consultants with combined experience from analyses of various modalities and instruments of development cooperation, preferably including analyses of the modality of delegated cooperation, including with the EU, as well as from evaluation of management of bilateral and multilateral development cooperation, including financial management. The team may optionally be supported by additional resource persons.

Budget The budget is a maximum of DKK 1,000,000 net of VAT.

Interested Consultants can request to get the instructions prepared for applicants by e-mail to the Contact person stated below

Contact point Evaluation, Learning and Quality 
Contact person Barwaqo Jama Hussein (Ninja Klejnstrup, Eva Broegaard)
Contact e-mail [email protected]; cc. [email protected]; [email protected]

Criteria for selection 

A minimum of three and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for the assignment will be invited to submit a tender.