Study on localization in Lebanon and Jordan for the Regional Development and Protection Programme, Phase 3
The European Regional Development and Protection Program (RDPP) in the Middle East aims at supporting civil society, host governments, donors and other stakeholders in understanding and mitigating the impact of protracted forced displacement from Syria and the compounded crises in neighbouring refugee hosting countries. The RDPP is currently in its third phase (2023-2026) which focuses on Lebanon and Jordan. Through partnerships with national and international partners, RDPP seeks to enhance protection and to support socio-economic development for Syrian refugees and local communities with a view to enhancing opportunities for increased self-reliance and resilience.
Denmark manages and leads the programme on behalf of the contributing donors which include Austria, Czech Republic, European Union, Ireland, Netherlands and Switzerland. Hence, RDPP III is implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DMFA) with the responsibility decentralised to the Embassy of Denmark to Lebanon that has a dedicated RDPP Programme Management Unit (PMU).
RDPP III has a particular focus on localisation which is one of the four specific objectives of the programme with a view to enhancing the efficiency of the assistance provided and supporting the empowerment of and ownership of solutions led by local actors and institutions, as envisioned in the Grand Bargain. This approach builds on learning from the previous phases of RDPP and implies that the programme provides direct support to national civil society organizations through partnerships that also engage with local and central authorities, private sector and other relevant stakeholders at country level. In addition, the programme focuses on enhancing localisation in relation to advocacy and policy dialogue processes.
Objective: The overall objective of the study is to assess progress in the implementation of localisation efforts in Lebanon and Jordan with a point of departure in experiences from RDPP and and to provide recommendations to inform continued improvement of the administration and approaches applied by RDPP, as well as broader guidance on how to further advance localisation in the two countries.
The specific objectives of the study are two fold:
1) Programmatic/operational level: undertake an assessment of measures applied by RDPP to promote localisation practices through its partnerships, notably as a follow up to recommendations of a location study conducted under RDPP II, and the effect that this has had in terms of promoting more locally led processes ;
2) Strategic level: analyse initiatives supported through RDPP and others to help create a conducive environment for enhanced local leadership of policy processes as well as implementation of development and humanitarian assistance, particularly in relation to the Syria response. This will include examining the localization coordination structures in Lebanon and Jordan, with a particular focus on the unique barriers and challenges these systems face in each country.
Methodology and outputs: The study is expected to include a desk-based document review, interviews/focus groups discussions in Lebanon and Jordan, and workshops to present and discuss preliminary findings. Case studies could be selected for more in-depth assessments and quantitative data collection could also be applied, if relevant. The consultancy team is expected to provide the following main deliverables/outputs: 1) An inception report/note outlining the team’s methodology and work plan based on an initial desk review and discussion with the PMU; 2) A debriefing note presenting the main findings and recommendations after field work has been conducted in the two countries; 3) A draft study report summarising the main findings and recommendations. Based on the draft report, key conclusions of the study are expected to be presented at a workshop in each country. 4) A final study report which should include an elaboration of the key findings as well as recommendations taking into account feedback received. The final methodology/approach will be agreed upon between the consultants and the PMU based on a discussion of the inception report.
Timing: The contract is expected to commence in early March 2025 and conclude in July 2025. Field work in Lebanon and Jordan is expected to take place in April 2025.
Requested qualifications for the consultancy: The assignment will be performed by a consultancy team consisting of a total of three consultants, one team leader with international expertise and two experts with in-depth country experience in respectively Lebanon and Jordan. Consultants should have experience in conducting research and analysis that provides evidence based strategic advice, experience with support to civil society engagement in the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus, experience with debates and trends on localisation and donor approaches to support this, and relevant thematic and regional knowledge, specifically on Lebanon and Jordan.
Budget: The total budget for the assignment incl. fees and reimbursable expenses net of VAT is a maximum of DKK 600,000 net. The assignment is expected to reach a maximum of 80 working days in total for the whole duration of the contract.
Interested Consultants can request to get the instructions prepared for applicants by e-mail to the Contact person stated below
Contact point Embassy of Denmark to Lebanon/Development Cooperation Section
Contact person Elisar Achmar
Contact e-mail [email protected]
Criteria for selection
A minimum of two and a maximum of five applicants with references best suited for the assignment will be invited to submit a tender.