Civil Society Organisations
Civil society partners plan and implement activities in cooperation with local partners in developing countries in order to contribute to the implementation of Denmark's development policy strategy and the promotion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.Read more -
International Organisations
Global and cross-border challenges are best solved through strong, international cooperation. Therefore, active Danish participation in international organisations such as the United Nations’ funds, programs, and agencies, the EU, and the International Financial Institutions is an important part of Denmark’s engagement in international development cooperation.Read more -
Humanitarian Organisations
Humanitarian organisations help to ensure that there is swift, efficient humanitarian assistance available when sudden natural disasters strike or wars occur or in connection with long-term conflicts.Read more -
Research Organisations and Think Tanks
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperates with research institutions and think tanks in Denmark and in both priority as well as growth and transition countries. Firstly, the purpose of this cooperation is to build research capacity in developing countries, and secondly, to create new knowledge, which may help overcome development problems.Read more -
Other Ministries
Crosscutting cooperation between the Danish ministries and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs makes Danida’s development work more effective. Acute and long term interventions require coordinated political cooperation that cuts across the ministries.Read more -
Strategic Sector Cooperation
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There is extensive cooperation on development. Denmark has a wide interface in many countries with public and local authorities, civil society organisations, private businesses, the research environment and other relevant actors.
The most important development policy partners are:
- International organisations such as the UN, the EU, the World Bank, GEF and the OECD/DAC
- Companies and trade organisations
- Civil society organisations
- Humanitarian organisations
- Research institutions and think-tanks
- Other ministries
Public authorities, i.e. state, provincial and municipal administrations, are important partners in the great majority of cases. NGOs, companies, research institutions and many others are involved in the work of development in both Denmark and the recipient countries.
There is also extensive international development cooperation, where countries and organisations regularly work together to implement development interventions and develop new and better methods.
To a wide extent, the different countries and international organisations have the same general goals as regards development cooperation. They are also present in many of the same countries and in dialogue with the governments and the same organisations. This is why it is important and necessary to coordinate development cooperation.
Denmark is constantly working to make the cooperation as relevant and valuable as possible. At the same time Demark makes a careful assessment of which partners to support and the way in which different organisations can supplement one another.