About the department for Evaluation, learning and Quality (learning)
Among its core tasks, LEARNING manages evaluations and Danish support to development research (assisted by Danida Fellowship Centre). LEARNING holds the secretariat function for the Council for Development Policy, the Programme Committee, and OECD/DAC, and LEARNING is anchoring the DDD roll out process and the preparation of How-to-notes. Jointly with TILSKUD, LEARNING is driving the Results Project, and LEARNING is responsible for Aid Management Guidelines (AMG)
With regards to evaluations, LEARNING is responsible for the development of the biannual evaluation programme and the planning, management and quality control of evaluations of Danish development cooperation; and for disseminating evaluation results, experiences and lessons learned. LEARNING’s roles and responsibilities with regards to evaluation are set out in the Evaluation Policy for Danish Development Cooperation.
Tove Degnbol is Head of Department; tel +45 33 91 02 28; [email protected]