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2015.06 Evaluation of Capacity Development in Danish Development Assistance

Support for capacity development is a cornerstone in Danish development cooperation.
This evaluation assesses Denmark’s support to capacity development as an integral part of sector support to priority countries. The focus of the evaluation is on support to enhancing the capacity of public sector organisations’ performance as regards relevance, coverage and quality of services and regulations.

The evaluation concludes that Denmark has facilitated capacity development processes that have contributed to increased organisational performance in most of the supported interventions.

The evaluation finds that good and comprehensive guidelines for support to capacity development exist and suggest that if they had been applied more effectively during planning and implementation better results would have been forthcoming. In particular, the evaluation points to the lack of a systematic and comprehensive approach to planning and reporting on capacity development.

Similar capacity development evaluations were carried out by Norway and Sweden simultaneously. The three Scandinavian countries therefore decided to present the findings and conclusions of the Danida, Norad and Sida evaluations of support to capacity development to the development community more widely through a joint synthesis report.  

 The Danish evaluation carried out by Nordic Consulting Group, Denmark  is to find below.

Download Evaluation of Capacity Development in Danish Development Assistance (PDF)

Download Annexes (PDF):

Annex A: Terms of Reference
Annex B: Evaluation Approach and Methodology
Annex C: Portfolio Screening Note
Annex D: Desk-based Review Report
Annex E: Nepal Country Study Report
Annex F: Uganda Country Study Report
Annex G: Tanzania Country Study Report
Annex H: Danida's Approach to  Capacity Development
Annex I: Capacity and Capability Concepts
Annex J: Validation of Hypotheses
Annex K: List of Persons Met
Annex L: List of Documents Consulted