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Danish Support to Civil Society: A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to demonstrate Results

This evaluation report synthesizes recommendations from an evaluation process initiated as a follow-up to the Evaluation of Danish Support to Civil Society, published in 2013.

The primary objective of the process was to follow-up on the recommendations from the 2013 evaluation, specifically addressing the need for documenting the results of Danish support to civil society in developing countries. As such, the evaluation process has focused on facilitating, documenting and sharing learning through on how the effectiveness of Danish support can be better monitored, evaluated and reported on, thereby providing a more robust and systematic basis for assessing the results of Danish support to civil society in developing countries.

The evaluation process included three learning workshops with Danish CSOs to share learning on how to monitor and evaluate on results of civil society support. Moreover, the evaluation produced seven short papers on how to monitor and evaluate Danish CSO contributions to the overall strategic goals of Danish civil society support as outlined in strategies and policies.

The synthesis report summarizes the learning from the process and provides recommendations on how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) as well as CSO partners effectively can document results of civil society support across the entire portfolio of engagements.

The evaluation was undertaken by INTRAC in collaboration with Tana Copenhagen ApS.

Download the report and management response (PDF):

Evaluation Report

Management Response 


PublisherEvaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida, Denmark
AuthorINTRAC/Tana Copenhagen Aps