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Danish Forum for Freedom of Religion or Belief

In 2018, the Danish Forum for Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) was established in connection with the Danish Government’s initiative for Freedom of Religion or Belief. The aim of the Forum for FoRB is to gather relevant Danish actors from all faith-based and secular civil society backgrounds in Denmark, including academia, religious institutions, and others who wish to engage in and discuss the Danish efforts on freedom of religion or belief abroad.

Summary of the previous meeting in the danish forum for freedom of religion or belief  Danish Forum for Freedom of Religion or Belief, 21 November 2024 

The 11th meeting of the Danish Forum for Freedom of Religion or Belief took place on 21 November, 2024, at Eigtveds Pakhus, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The theme of the meeting was the role of FoRB in conflict transformation in Africa.

Special Representative for Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB), Karen Grønlund Rogne, welcomed the Forum after which State Secretary for Development Policy, Lotte Machon, gave introductory remarks in which she reflected on the recent report by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on FoRB, on peace and FoRB, as well as the work to promote dialogue and FoRB through the Danish development cooperation.

With an academic perspective to inform the meeting, Dr. Jason Klocek, Assistant Professor in Politics and International relations at the University of Nottingham, presented recent research on the connection between FoRB, conflicts and peace. Among other topics, Dr. Klocek focused on political violence, the complexities of FoRB promotion and restrictions, and the effectiveness of religious peacebuilding.

Thereafter, Rev. Dr. Johnson Mbillah (online from Ghana) from the Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) talked about the work of PROCMURA. Rev. Dr. Mbillah shared his experiences working with FoRB in conflict transformation in Africa, and reflected on sustainable solutions to intra- and interreligious challenges to uphold religious freedom and peaceful coexistence.

Mr. Kristian Kirkegaard Edinger (online), Danish Ambassador to Burkina Faso and Niger, provided a snapshot of the current situation in Burkina Faso, focusing on the role of FoRB in the multifaceted conflicts taking place in the country.

After the presentations Filip Buff Pedersen, Center for Church-Based Development (CKU), moderated a conversation between the three speakers. They discussed the role of identity and engagement in FoRB promotion and interreligious dialogues, as well as the complexities related to the politicisation of FoRB.

The meeting allowed participants to widen their knowledge about the intersections of FoRB, conflict and peace, and facilitated informed group discussions where participants reflected on their insights and ideas about best practices in the area.