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Countries and regions

The vision for Denmark’s development cooperation is: A more secure and sustainable world free from poverty, based on international binding cooperation as well as just and resilient societies that fight inequality and create hope and future opportunities for the individual, with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement as beacons.

12-year old girl in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Photo: Jørgen Schytte.

Danish development cooperation - in the top league

Denmark’s development cooperation is in the international top league, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Furthermore, Denmark is one of the few countries in the world that meets the UN target with the aim of contributing 0.7 percent of GNI to development assistance. 

Priorities and instruments

In line with Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation,The World We Share, Denmark’s development policy is informed by three guiding principles:

·        Democratic values and human rights as a foundation for our development cooperation;

·        Creating hope and helping more people better where it is hardest; and

·        Leading the fight to stop climate change and restoring balance to the planet.