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United Nations

193 countries are members of the United Nations (UN), the world's primary intergovernmental organisation.
The EU, the Vatican City State, the Palestinian Autonomous Territories and a wide range of international organisations have observer status.
The UN Charter, which entered into force on 24 October 1945, is a kind of constitution for international cooperation between states. It sets out in broad terms the rights and duties of Member States towards each other and establishes the central organs of the Organisation's cooperation:
- The Secretariat (headed by the Secretary-General)
- In addition, the UN system consists of a large number of specialised agencies, funds and programmes. In the General Assembly, where all member countries are represented, the principle applies that each country - regardless of size - has one vote.
The main tasks of the UN are in the core areas:
- Peace and security 
- Human rights 
- Development activities 
- Humanitarian action
More detailed information on the organisation and work of the UN can be found on the pages below.

UN News