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2014.05 Evaluation of Danida Business-to-Business Programme 2006-2011

Who Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida, Denmark

The Evaluation concerns Danida’s Business-to-Business programme (B2B), which was implemented from 2006 to 2011. The B2B programme provided grant support of up to DKK 5 million to 445 partnerships between Danish companies in 19 countries. The total approved financial allocation for the B2B programme from 2006 to 2011 for the 19 countries was DKK 1,088 million.

The B2B Programme facilitated transfer of knowledge and technology to the local companies through well-functioning partnerships, resulting in improved performance as regards company management, productivity, turnover, environmental management, and working environment. Generation of employment in the local companies – as well as upstream and downstream employment – was less than planned for. While the majority of B2B supported local companies achieved satisfactory results, the spill over effects to their surrounding local communities did not materialise to any significant extent – except in a very few cases – in consequence of less employment generated and limited diffusion of technology and knowhow. The socio-economic benefits to the local communities were thus less than anticipated and correspondingly the contribution to poverty reduction was less than warranted.

The evaluation was commissioned and managed by the Evaluation Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and conducted by consultants from a consortium of Devfin Advisers AB (Sweden) and Nordic Consulting Group A/S (Denmark). The Evaluation was conducted from November 2013 – September 2014. 

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Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida, Denmark


NCG/Devfin Advisers AB





