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2011.08 Evaluation of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme with a focus on the Economic Development Portfolio

The Neighbourhood Programme is Denmark’s bilateral programme for EU’s neighbouring countries to the east and southeast. The principal objective of the programme is to promote open and democratic societies founded on the rule of law and based on a stable political and economic development.

In order to learn from the experiences of the Neighbourhood Programme an independent evaluation has been carried out. While activities within the programme fall within four different focus areas, the objective of this evaluation has been to assess and document the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the support given within the specific area of ‘Economic Development’, both at the level of the priority area as a whole and at the level of the individual projects.

The evaluation is a learning-focused evaluation, which is to serve as an input into the on-going discussions within the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on how best to promote private sector driven economic growth and employment. To this end, the evaluation provides conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations regarding the strategies, approaches and methods used in the Neighbourhood Programme.


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Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida, Denmark


Orbicon A/S/GHK Consulting Ltd/Pinto Consulting GmbH





