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Identification and Analysis of Main Trends in Danish Multilateral Development Assistance

Denmark is in the top five worldwide both in the general ODA level and as a contributor to the multilateral development organisations. Multi-bi contributions have increased, but they are largely softly earmarked.

There are few recent explicit policy statements or strategies explaining why Denmark allocates its multilateral funding as it does. These are some of the statements from a new evaluation study conducted by independent experts, providing data underpinnings and a conceptual framework for future strategy considerations in the area of Danish multilateral support. The report builds on a study from 2019 on the Use of Organisation Strategies and Results Reporting for Danish Multilateral Partners and provides updated statistics on the trends in Danish multilateral aid 2011 to 2018 with respect to partners, modalities and volumes. The paper also proposes a number of strategic and operational issues to consider within future support for multilateral organisations. 

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Publisher Evaluation, Learning and Quality Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida, Denmark
Author Nils Boesen A/S & Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS)
Published 10.02.2021
Pages 72
ISBN 978-87-93760-51-6