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”In an international context of an overwhelming economic recession, and a national context of gradual exit from a crisis, expectations are high. Time is running. Time is now”.

Luc Adoplphe Tiao,
Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, 20th October 2011

Caught between the overwhelming economic recession, the post-election conflicts in the neighbouring country Ivory Coast, the conflict in Libya, and the democratic movements of the Arab Spring in North Africa, Burkina Faso experienced in February–June 2011 one of its most serious crises since its independence. Growing social demands and a call for consolidating and further deepening the democracy were articulated during the unrest. The need for, and urgency to work to accommodate the requirements and concerns of the population, has created a momentum for change in the years to come. The cooperation between Burkina Faso and Denmark was initiated back in 1973 with a strong focus on energy, water and good governance issues. A fruitful cooperation over two decades was later formalised in 1993 when Burkina Faso became a partner country to Denmark. The partnership has been encouraging, and based on the three principles for Danish engagement in partner countries:

  1. Development needs.
  2. Relevance.
  3. Impact and results – are despite the progress made as valid today as they were in 1993.

Millions of people in Burkina Faso have due to the Danish development cooperation gained access to energy, water, sanitation, education, and infrastructure, as well as access to an increased agricultural production. Public institutions and civil society
organisations have been strengthened – in all of the areas above as well as in the areas of hiv/aids prevention and treatment, human rights, decentralisation and gender equality. Denmark is one among many development partners collaborating
with Burkina Faso, including the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Commission, and a number of bilateral development partners including the USA, a number of European countries, Canada, Japan, and Taiwan. Denmark has been a front runner among the development partners in establishing more effective aid modalities, including general budget support, sector budget support and basket funds.

The partnership policy is divided into four major sections:Part One presents an analysis of the challenges, opportunities and risks over the next four to five years in Burkina Faso. Part Two shapes an outline of the partnership policy – including overall objectives, instruments, strategic focus areas, and partnership principles. Part Three defines the specific objectives, results and indicators, which Denmark will contribute to in close cooperation with its partners in Burkina Faso. Part Four offers examples on how different instruments play together to promote development.  Finally, a number of annexes provide overviews of:

a. Key economic data.
b. Description of on-going programmes.
c. An overall presentation of the strategy for accelerated growth and sustainable development of Burkina Faso, SCADD (2011–2015).
d. The progress made in Burkina Faso towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.