Strategic frameworks
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Denmark's participation in the EU development cooperation
In October 2013 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark published "Together for a Better World: Strategic Framework for Denmark's participation in EU Development Cooperation".Read more -
Danish Arab Partnership Programme
Read moreThe Danish-Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) is Denmark’s collaboration programme with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). DAPP aims at supporting human rights and employment for young people in the MENA region.
Natural Resources, Energy and Climate
In September 2013 the strategic framework for natural resources, energy and climate (NEC) was published.Read more -
Growth and Employment
Economic growth is necessary to eradicate poverty. But, due to increasing pressure on natural resources and higher demand for food, energy and water, growth needs to be green. Denmark will contribute to paving the way for global and local solutions to these challenges, and put pressure on the multilateral system to strengthen their efforts to support developing countries to promote and stimulate green growth.Read more