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Annual request for updated information 2023


Annual request for updated information

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, presents its compliments to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to Denmark and to International Organisations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen and Honorary Consulates in Denmark and has the honour to ask for the following:

In order to ensure that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ database is up to date, the Protocol Department kindly requests the following information using the attached wordfile:

1) A list of persons currently affiliated with your Mission/Career consulate/

International Organisation

The list shall include:

  1. Name.
  2. Title/function.
  3. Personnel category.

    - For Embassies, the personnel category must follow the 1961-Vienna Convention (VCDR): Diplomat, Administrative/Technical staff, Service Staff, Private Servant or Local Staff.

    - For International Organisations, the personnel categories must follow the specific host agreement.

    - For Career consulates, the personnel category must follow the 1963-Vienna Convention (VCCR): Head of Consular Post, Consular Officer, Consular Employee, etc.

  4. Family members forming part of the household and/or Dependent family members
  5. Contact details, including address and phone number

2) Emergency mobile contact information for the Mission/International Organisation/Career Consulate or Honorary Consul

3) Addresses and contact details for: Ambassador’s residences. Naturally, also this information is treated with strict confidentiality.

The information is requested in accordance with VCDR, art. 10, and VCCR, art. 24, as bilateral  Diplomatic Missions and Career Consulates must notify the Protocol of the appointment, arrival and final departure of members of Diplomatic Missions and Career Consular posts, members of their families and ‘Private Servants’.

The Protocol also kindly requests diplomatic missions and career consulates to notify the Protocol of recruitments and other changes in locally employed staff in order to ensure the entitlement afforded in accordance with VCDR, art. 38, and VCCR, art. 71.

In accordance with the obligation in Host Country Agreements (HCA), International Organisations must also notify the Protocol as soon as possible of the appointment, arrival and final departure of all Officials and other personnel categories of the organisations covered by the HCA, as well as members of their families and ‘Private Servants’. This includes locally employed staff, who enjoy privileges following from the host agreements.

Further, the Protocol would like to take this opportunity to remind of the procedures for applying for visas and residence permits. As of 1 April 2022, all diplomats and others from third countries  to be posted to Denmark has to obtain a long-term visa (D-visa) prior to entry into Denmark.  This means that the Protocol no longer receives necessary information with regards to addresses and contact details, as these details are oftentimes not known at the time of application. Therefore, we kindly ask that information on address and contact details is send to us shortly after arrival in Denmark.

The Protocol also takes the opportunity to request that all applications for residence permits and ID cards are filled out correctly and completely. If filled out incorrectly, longer processing time must be expected.

Finally, the Protocol kindly recalls that before departure from Denmark, residence permit cards and ID cards must be returned to the Protocol in accordance with ‘Guide for Diplomats in Denmark’:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, takes this opportunity to renew to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to Denmark and to International Organisations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen and Honorary Consulates in Denmark, the assurances of its highest consideration.

Copenhagen, 1 May 2023