Coronavirus Disease COVID-19: Establishment of a self-payment scheme for vaccination against COVID-19
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, presents its compliments to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited to and resident in Denmark and to International Organisations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen and has the honour to share the following:
The Danish government has decided to establish a self-payment scheme for vaccination against COVID-19, where it is possible to purchase a vaccination with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine Janssen. The scheme is open to all, but targeted people staying in Denmark for a shorter period of time with no access to vaccination in the Danish vaccination programme, e.g. seafarers regardless of nationality and tourists.
Vaccination under this scheme requires medical prescription and is carried out under the responsibility of a medical doctor but can be delegated to an assistant in accordance with Danish rules for delegation. The price is set by the individual private provider and can therefore vary. Further information on providers, their specific vaccination offers, prices, etc. is available on Purchase a Johnson & Johnson vaccination (
Please note that The Ministry of Health has no influence on the quality or organisation of the vaccinations offered by the private vaccination providers on the list. The list is only a guide to where vaccination is offered for purchase.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, takes this opportunity to renew to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited to and resident in Denmark and to International Organisations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen the assurances of its highest consideration.
Please find below link to the Circular Note:
Circular Note
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Protocol Department
20 October 2021