Covid-19 vaccination
The Ministry of Health is currently working on a vaccination plan for Denmark, including the possible availability of vaccine to staff at Diplomatic Missions, International Organisations and other Missions resident in Denmark
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, presents its compliments to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions, International Organisations and other Missions accredited to Denmark and has the honour to inform that the Ministry of Health is currently working on a vaccination plan for Denmark, including the possible availability of vaccine to staff at Diplomatic Missions, International Organisations and other Missions resident in Denmark.
Unfortunately, Protocol Department does not at this stage have information on the plans. As soon as they are made available, Protocol Department will inform the Missions accordingly.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited to Denmark, International Organisations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen and Honorary Consulates in Denmark the assurances of its highest consideration.
Copenhagen, 16 December 2020