Electronic applications for the renewal of residence permits and ID cards
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol Department, presents its compliments to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to Denmark and International Organisations and other Missions resident in Copenhagen and has the honour to share the following information:
After a period of time with electronic applications for residence permits and ID cards, Protocol Department is now moving to the next step with electronic applications for the renewal of residence permits and ID cards.
Electronic applications for the renewal of residence permits and ID cards must meet the following requirements:
- One email per case/family (i.e. main person, spouse and children in one email)
- The headline should mention the name of the main person and the name of Embassy/Organisation
- Cover letter and application forms in one file, scanned on white paper (i.e. main person, spouse and children in one file)
- Photo – important that the photo is of high quality (JPG file – 35 mm x 45 mm). Each JPG file must state the first name of the person (i.e. one file per person with the first name of the person) – please see the format of the photo FOTO PAS OG KØREKORT (politi.dk). No ZIP or MSG files
- Signature must be within the space provided and in black ink
- Copy of passport – one file per person with the first name of the person
- The application with attachments and photos must be submitted to one email only: [email protected].
The new procedure enters into force as from 1 March 2022.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol Department, avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to Denmark and to International Organisations and other Missions resident in Copenhagen the assurances of its highest consideration.
After a period of time with electronic applications for residence permits and ID cards, Protocol Department is now moving to the next step with electronic applications for the renewal of residence permits and ID cards.
Electronic applications for the renewal of residence permits and ID cards must meet the following requirements:
- One email per case/family (i.e. main person, spouse and children in one email)
- The headline should mention the name of the main person and the name of Embassy/Organisation
- Cover letter and application forms in one file, scanned on white paper (i.e. main person, spouse and children in one file)
- Photo – important that the photo is of high quality (JPG file – 35 mm x 45 mm). Each JPG file must state the first name of the person (i.e. one file per person with the first name of the person) – please see the format of the photo FOTO PAS OG KØREKORT (politi.dk). No ZIP or MSG files
- Signature must be within the space provided and in black ink
- Copy of passport – one file per person with the first name of the person
- The application with attachments and photos must be submitted to one email only: [email protected].
The new procedure enters into force as from 1 March 2022.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol Department, avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to Denmark and to International Organisations and other Missions resident in Copenhagen the assurances of its highest consideration.
Please find attached a Circular Note re electronic applications for the renewal of residence permits and ID cards.
For easy reference, below you find the link mentioned in the Circular Note:
Required format of photographs: FOTO PAS OG KØREKORT (politi.dk)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Protocol Department
1 March 2022