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NemID with public digital signature

In order to be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccination notification via e-Boks, to book appointments for vaccination on and to download a COVID-19 passport (“coronapas”) when fully vaccinated, it is essential to have a NemID with public digital signature.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol Department, presents its compliments to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to and resident in Denmark and to International Organisations, other Missions resident in Copenhagen and Honorary Consulates in Denmark and has the honour to refer to Guide for Diplomats, chapter 32 – NemID.

As previously announced, a COVID-19 vaccination will be offered free of charge to all staff of Diplomatic Missions, International Organisations, other Missions and Consulates resident in Denmark and their accredited relatives. The Danish Health Authority is working on the final modalities, and the plan will be communicated soon.

In order to be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccination notification via e-Boks, to book appointments for vaccination on and to download a COVID-19 passport (“coronapas”) when fully vaccinated, it is essential to have a NemID with public digital signature.

Having a NemID with digital signature will also ease access to public and private self-service solutions in general. However, as the issued NemID is referring to an administrative CPR number, there will be features that cannot be accessed in comparison with a NemID linked up to a regular CPR number. Please note that if you have been issued a NemID through a bank it will not include the public digital signature.
For EU/EEA or Swiss citizens who do not have the “Special Health Insurance Card”, a separate solution is in progress and will be communicated as soon as possible.

To apply for a NemID, it is necessary to visit (in person) a citizen service centre (Borgerservice) in the municipality where you live and to bring a witness.

When ordering a NemID at a citizen service centre, the applicant must bring:
• His/her valid passport and Residence Card/”Special Health Insurance Card” containing the assigned Danish administrative CPR number
• A witness (a person with a CPR number/administrative CPR number) who can attest to the identity of the individual

Below are the listed requirements for the witness:
• The witness must have reached the age of 18
• The witness must bring valid photo ID and be willing to be registered as a witness with her/his CPR number
• The witness is only able to attest to the identity of three (3) applicants within a period of 120 days. The witness will need to sign a sworn statement with her/his own personal NemID, or in writing at the municipality in case the witness does not have a NemID
• If the witness has a NemID, the witness must have had the NemID with digital signature for a minimum of 30 days

It is thus possible for persons with administrative CPR numbers to witness for each other.

You are urged to apply for a NemID with digital signature as soon as possible to ensure that you will receive the invitation for COVID-19 vaccinations.

Please contact the citizen service centre of your home address for making an appointment to apply for a NemID in person, as follows:

Copenhagen: 33 66 33 66 or the self-service on by using either your Danish mobile No. or your date of birth by applying 00 in front (00DDMMYY)

Gentofte: Jette Villadsen, telephone No. 39 98 35 16 ([email protected]) or
Susanne Breining Brejnebøl, telephone No. 39 98 35 92 ([email protected] or the self-service on by using your Danish mobile No.
Frederiksberg: 38 21 21 21 – all staff will be able to assist.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Protocol Department, avails itself of this opportunity to renew to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to and resident in Denmark and to International Organisations, other Missions resident in Copenhagen and Honorary Consulates in Denmark the assurances of its highest consideration.

Please find below link to the Circular Note:

Circular Note

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Protocol Department
6 May 2021