New rules for parking permits in Copenhagen
As of 1 January 2021 new rules for parking permits issued by the Municipality of Copenhagen will be introduced. It will no longer be possible to issue special parking permits to Embassies, International Organisations and other Missions within the Municipality of Copenhagen. Instead, missions located in the Municipality of Copenhagen can apply for commercial parking permits allowing parking of the mission’s vehicles in public parking spaces in proximity to the mission’s address at a reduced fee.
In addition, it will be possible for posted staff with an administrative CPR number - provided that the car is registered with a c/o address at the mission - to choose to apply for a parking permit for their private car to be valid for parking in proximity to the mission rather than their residential address. In special circumstances, it may be possible to obtain a parking permit for both the mission’s and the residential address.
The procedure for applying for commercial parking permits will be the same as for the present special parking permits. Please note that the commercial parking permits cannot be issued by simply renewing the present special parking permit, but must be applied for separately. The fees for the commercial parking permit can be found here.
Present parking permits are valid until their expiry date.
Having a parking permit does not exempt missions from complying with any local parking restrictions in places where there are special signs giving time limits or other parking restrictions. Parking fines levied for illegal parking must be paid, also for Diplomatic vehicles.
The Protocol Department would like to take this opportunity to remind the Missions that a Diplomatic Mission can be favoured with one or two reserved parking spaces in front of either their Chancery or Residence if conditions allow, see Guide for Diplomats, section 17.2. Some Diplomatic Missions may for historical or security reasons have been allocated more than two reserved parking spaces. All vehicles, both vehicles belonging to the mission and vehicles with business at the mission, must comply with the relevant parking regulations and pay the parking fees if the reserved parking space is located within a pay zone, and they do not have a parking permit valid for the specific area.
Copenhagen, 1 December 2020