UPDATE 7.4.2020 Coronavirus Disease COVID-19
PRO Ref. No.: 2020-10023
UPDATE 7.4.2020 Coronavirus Disease COVID-19
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, presents its compliments to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited to Denmark, International Organizations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen and Honorary Consulates in Denmark and has the honour to share the following information from the Prime Minister’s press conference on 6 April 2020.
In general, the lockdown and most restrictive measures have been prolonged until 10 May 2020. This includes:
- Temporary border control and travel restrictions are prolonged, and we continue to advise Danish citizens to avoid all unnecessary travels abroad
- Public cultural institutions, churches and all other indoor leisure activities are closed
- All people working in the public sector, except for those who have critical functions, remain at home and should if possible work from home
- Restrictions on public gatherings of more than 10 people. For public gatherings with more than 500 people, this is prolonged until 31 August 2020 in order to provide clarity for organizers of large festivals etc. during the summer
- Malls, nightclubs, restaurants and cafes continue to be closed, except for take-out
- Ban on liberal businesses where close physical contact with customers is impossible to avoid (hairdressers etc.)
The Prime Minister announced some steps towards a gradual reopening of the Danish society after Easter on the basis of a stable and positive development in the containment of the COVID-19.
The steps are coupled with strong calls for the population to continue to respect some of the new behavioral principles that they have had to acquaint themselves with since the Covid19: That is social distancing and stringent observation of hygiene rules. These behavioral principles are believed to be crucial. And it is being very clearly communicated that if these principles are not observed during Easter the announced re-opening could be postponed.
Key elements in this first, limited phase of the re-opening are:
- Reopening of daycare and schools for the youngest students up to 5th grade in the week after Easter (from 15 April). The schools will not be open for the older students, who will therefore have to stay at home for now. All other educational institutions also remain closed except for students in the final year of High School who will be allowed to finish their exams this year as planned. These measures aim to “free up” labour force that has been tied to looking after their children during the day.
- Private sector employers and employees may return to work from Tuesday, 14 April 2020, provided they adhere to the present guidelines from the health authorities and rules and that the work can be conducted in a safe and responsible manner.
- A substantial increase in COVID-19 testing. The level of daily testing has been increased five-fold over the past week (now approx. 5,000 tests/day) and will be further quadrupled within weeks.
- Introduction (within weeks) of a new App to be able to detect those who have been in contact with people tested Covid19-positive.
Following the prolongation of these measures, the Danish government will consider the need for additional economic help packages to persons and companies and possible adjustments of the ones already in place. Furthermore, the Danish Government will also be considering further adapting the measures at hand to reduce imported contagion.
For further information, please see:
Coronasmitte.dk (in Danish), which is up-dated, and
Coronasmitte.dk (in English), which will be up-dated as soon as possible.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, takes this opportunity to renew to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited to Denmark, International Organizations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen, and Honorary Consulates in Denmark the assurances of its highest consideration.
Copenhagen, 7 April 2020
Read the circular note here (download PDF)