UPDATE 09.12.2021: Coronavirus Disease Covid-19
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, presents its compliments to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to Denmark and to International Organisations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen and Honorary Consulates in Denmark and has the honour to share the following information:
As announced on 8 December 2021, the Danish Government and a majority of the Epidemics Committee of the Danish Parliament have decided to introduce further restrictions to control the recent spread of the COVID-19 virus in Denmark.
The decision has been made after involving and per recommendation of the Epidemic Commission as well as relevant health authorities.
The restrictions are temporary and will become effective on 10 December 2021. So far, the restrictions are expected to last for a period of 4 weeks.
The restrictions include closing down nightlife, limiting the opening hours of restaurants until 12 AM, extending the requirement of the use of masks in public spaces and limiting indoor public events with more than 50 standing attendees.
Moreover, it is recommended that working from home to a large extent is reintroduced in both public and private workplaces and that meetings, seminars etc. are conducted virtually. It is additionally recommended that larger work-related social events be cancelled. Furthermore, children in primary school will attend school virtually from home from 15 December 2021 to 4 January 2022, both days included.
Further information, including the full list of restrictions as well implementation dates, will be available on https://en.coronasmitte.dk/ in due course.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Protocol Department, takes this opportunity to renew to all Heads of Diplomatic Missions and Consulates accredited to Denmark and to International Organisations and Other Missions resident in Copenhagen and Honorary Consulates in Denmark the assurances of its highest consideration.
Please find attached a Circular Note with one attachment: Lines to take regarding new COVID-19 restrictions and reported cases of the Omicron variant in Denmark.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Protocol Department
09 December 2021