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2013.02 Evaluation of Media Cooperation under the Danish Arab Partnership Programme (2005-12)

The Danish Arab Partnership Programme (DAPP) is a long-term programme with the dual objectives of 1) Supporting local reform processes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region) and 2) Establishing a basis for improved dialogue, understanding, and cooperation between Arab countries and Denmark.

Between 2003, when the programme was launched, and June 2012 a total of DKK 857.8 million has been disbursed, and funding levels from 2012 and onwards are expected to amount to approximately DKK 275 million annually. Media support has been the biggest programme under the DAPP with a total of 178 million DKK being allocated to these activities during the period 2005-2012.

The evaluation focuses on media cooperation under the DAPP with particular focus on the period from 2007-2012.  The evaluation applies OECD/DAC’s five criteria: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, (emerging) impacts, and sustainability to answer the overall evaluation questions, including whether and how the media cooperation activities have contributed to media reform in the Arab countries and to enhanced dialogue between professional media partners in Arab countries and in Denmark. Other key questions include the extent to which DAPP and MCP programmes and projects have been able to adjust and respond to the dynamic changes in the region and which lessons can be learned for future media cooperation and professionalization of the media in the MENA region.

Additional annexes (only available online):


Evaluation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida, Denmark


Transtec/Media Consulting Group





