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Annex 2: If you would like to know more

Strategies and policies

The Strategy for Denmark’s Development Cooperation “World 2030” (2017) (Danish)

Denmark’s Trade Policy Strategy (2013)

Denmark’s Strategic Framework for Natural Resources, Energy and Climate Change (2013)

The EU development policy “Agenda for Change” (2012)

The EU civil society strategy “The Roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe’s engagement with Civil Society in external relations” (2012)

The EU Approach to Resilience: Learning from Food Security Crisis (2012)

The EU Strategic Framework for the Sahel Region (2011)

The EU Strategic Framework for the Horn of Africa (2011)

The European Consensus on Development (2005)

The European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid (2008)

The “New Deal” - Principles for Engagement in Fragile States

The UN initiative – Sustainable Energy 4 All

The UN High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Studies of EU development cooperation published by the Danish Institute for International Studies and the European Centre for Development Policy Management

DIIS – The European Union’s engagement in negotiations on a post-2015 framework for development

DIIS – European Union development cooperation in a changing global context

DIIS – Striving for complementarity in European development cooperation

DIIS – Linking instruments in development policy and foreign policy

DIIS - The EU and global public goods

ECDPM - Challenges and opportunities for EU cooperation with Middle-Income Countries