Joint analyses and programming
Denmark will:
- Promote joint analyses and strategic approaches in order to generate a common EU understanding of local realities, goals and increased interplay between development cooperation and other policy areas.
- Take the lead promoting joint programming which enhances the effectiveness of development cooperation, creates added value and stronger impact, and ensures ownership and inclusion of partner countries and development partners.
- Participate actively in joint programming processes in all relevant priority countries and take account of these processes in our own country policy and programming.
The comparative strengths of the EU’s joint programming very much focus on the benefits of increased cooperation and knowledge sharing, including greater visibility and stronger political clout. Joint programming can also contribute to ensuring that development cooperation becomes a more integrated part of the EU’s overall external activities and is put into a broader strategic context. Joint programming can also serve as a good platform for broader cooperation with other actors.
In accordance with Agenda for Change and World 2030, Denmark will work for stronger local policy dialogue on EU programming, including in connection with joint programming of EU development activities. A key goal for Denmark will be to ensure that the joint programming is coordinated locally, is open to other development partners and is led by the developing countries themselves. Denmark will play an active role in the joint programming in all relevant priority countries and take this into account in country policies and programming.
Denmark will seek stronger cooperation at the analytical level through the formulation of joint analyses and framework documents for country interventions (e.g. in the form of EU Joint Framework Documents) that underpin a common EU understanding of the realities and challenges in priority countries. A common strategic approach will also contribute to synergies and complementarities between development cooperation and political interests and concerns in the priority country, for example within trade, climate and security. These joint analyses can supplement and feed into Denmark’s own country policy documents or also save resources if delegated to EU Delegations or other Member States.
With the decentralisation of Danish aid management to the embassies, our broad country policy documents and the transition to multi-annual country programmes, Denmark is already well equipped to participate in new joint analysis and programming initiatives. Similarly, Denmark wishes to participate in joint initiatives and co-financing arrangements with the EU and other Member States in selected strategic areas as well as utilise opportunities for enhancing cooperation with the EU Delegations, including through delegated cooperation.
It is important to avoid a Brussels-managed process that excludes other development partners and involves new, heavy processes. Focus must be on creating added value in the local context, and Denmark must take account of structural and historical limitations. Consequently, major challenges remain in relation to knowledge sharing between Member States, the complex decision-making processes in the EU system and the issue of division of labour and responsibility between the European External Action Service and the Commission. The Danish approach will therefore be pragmatic and initiate the process in countries where ownership is strong and where the added value in relation to other coordination processes is clear. It is recognised that joint programming takes time and requires a shift in mindset from all actors involved. Denmark is ready to let some Member States together with the EU Delegation lead the way in joint programming in order to prevent progress being blocked by Member States which do not have the opportunity or the will to participate. In the future, Denmark will be ready to examine to what extent EU joint programming can lead to common implementation plans and performance measurement.