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Sector counsellors

Sector counsellors are the link between Danish and local authorities in strategically important sectors, where Denmark has special competencies and experiences with public-private cooperation. They provide knowledge and expertise to Danish companies and Danish authorities on the local water sector in South Africa, shipping in China or pork production in Colombia. As far as possible, sector counsellors support and build upon existing sector networks, government contacts and demand for Danish solutions. Thereby, they contribute to Denmark's economic diplomacy. A total of around 40 sector counsellors are posted at Danish embassies in 17 countries.

Focus on Danish core competencies

The sector counsellors focus on sectors where Denmark has special skills, knowledge and technology. They help assess how Danish competencies and solutions can contribute and should be adapted to meet local demand. The sector counsellors build relationships and acquire knowledge on different sectors that the embassy can use to support Danish companies' access to the local market and to promote Danish solutions.

The sector counsellors identify and analyse demand that is relevant to Danish competencies. They build and maintain relationships with relevant local authorities. They concretise the demand and, in cooperation with the Danish authorities, assess how the Danish authorities can help produce results.

29 countries across three continents participate in Strategic Sector Cooperation.

A total of around 40 sector counsellors are posted at the Danish embassies:

  • South and North America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, USA and Mexico
  • Africa: Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa
  • Asia: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Myanmar, South Korea and Vietnam
  • Europe:  France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Poland, Spain, Türkiye and United Kingdom

Click to see an overview of the Strategic Sector Cooperation projects 

Latest update: February 2023

See videos with sector counsellors


Partnership between Denmark and China on food safety


Partnership between Denmark and Vietnam on non-communicable diseases



Partnership between Denmark and Mexico on primary health care