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Bank details (SKB) of MFA in Denmark

On this page you can find bank details of MFA in Denmark.

A/c holder: Udenrigsministeriet

Bank: Danske Bank

Sort code: 0216

Account no.: 4069172849

Swift code: DABADKKK

IBAN: DK09 0216 4069 1728 49

VAT: DK 43 27 19 11


Payments related to grant

Payments related to grant incl. refund of unspent funds on programmes:

A/c holder: Udenrigsministeriet

Bank: Danske Bank

Sort code: 0216

Account no.: 4069172962

Swift code: DABADKKK

IBAN: DK62 0216 4069 1729 62


Payments related to financial assistance to Danish citizens

Danish citizens in distress who need to transfer money as financial assistance to the following:

A/c holder: Udenrigsministeriet

Bank: Danske Bank

Sort code: 0216

Account no.: 4069174426

Swift code: DABADKKK

IBAN: DK1302164069174426