Danish Eastern Neighbourhood News
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- Sakharov conference in Danish Parliament 10 December (Livestream)
- Martynas Snieganas is the new director of the new democracy fund's regional office in Lithuania
- The EU Anti-corruption Initiative appoints new deputy head
- New theory of change presented on Ukraine's anti-corruption engagement
- Government adopts new strategy to make Ukraine more resilient to climate crisis
- Europe Foundation presents survey report on "Knowledge and attitudes towards the European Union in Georgia"
- Ukrainian youth leaders met Danish peers and the Department of European Neighbourhoodduring a one week exchange
- Covid-19 restrictions in Neighbourhood Countries
- Mads Østergaard is the new director of the New Democracy Fund's regional office in Georgia
- Denmark to support media freedom in Moldova
- The New Cooperation Fund is open for applications
- Chatham House report published on oligarch influence in Ukraine
- Results of anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine: What has been achieved?
- Youth house workshop on visual storytelling (starting 6 - 7 November)
- Forum on violence prevention held in Kyiv with support of UNDP and international partners
- News site launched for the Danida supported project on enabling environment for sustainable energy in Georgia (EESEG)
- Ukrainian-Danish Youth House and New Democracy Fund represented at Danish Youth Festival
- Covid-19 restrictions in Neighbourhood Countries
Newsletter 23 - September 2021
- Belarusians commemorate one year anniversary of Belarus democracy movement
- Peer meeting on 6 September for Danish civil society organizations active in the eastern european neighbourhood countries
- Upcoming youth festivals in Ukraine and Denmark
- Ukraine approves action plan for national human rights strategy
Ukranian-danish energy partnership launched
Danish foreign minister Jeppe Kofod met Ukrainan foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba
Danish investments in Rivne region
Europe youth foundation supports Georgian youth
Covid-19 developments
- Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod and civil society at Ukraine Reform Conference in Vilnius.
- Meeting between Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
- Danish Foreign Minister at UN Human Rights Council side event: Further shrinking of human rights and media space in Belarus.
- Save the date 31 August: Peer meeting for Danish civil society organisations active in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries.
- New Democracy Fund: New Cooperation Fund is open for applications!
- Strategic Framework: Denmark's partnership with the Eastern Neighbourhood countries 2022-2026. Follow up and next steps.
- Ukrainian-Danish Youth House: New vacancies, photo workshop and newsletter.
- Promoting women in science: "She is Science" award event.
- Ukraine: Six years of implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU.
- Georgian civil servants raise awareness on business and human rights issues.
- Ukraine: Progress of SDG indicator 16.10.2 regarding public access to information.
- As always, keep up with the COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia.
- The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House announces a new youth leader exchange program - apply now!
- The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has voted in the second reading the draft law “On the Basic Principles of the Youth Policy”.
- Are Ukraine to ratify the Istanbul Convention on combatting violence against women?
- Danish-supported Council of Europe in Georgia has launched a new video series for their "I Chose Equality" campaign.
- Danish-supported European Endowment for Democracy has published their 2020 annual report and an event on Georgian civic society
- The Danish-supported International Labour Organisation's World Day for Safety and Health at Work posters have been printed
- As always, keep up with the COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia.
- Public Consultations on Strategic Framework: Denmark's Partnership with the Eastern Neighbourhood Countries 2022-2026
- The process of a new strategic framework for the neighbourhood region has begun. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has met with the Danish Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (URU).
- Read about the latest news from the consortium of the New Democracy Fund.
- Mariupol has become the most transparent and accountable city in Ukraine - read more about the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI)'s work on the matter.
- The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House has opened virtually.
- The Danish ambassador Ole Egberg Mikkelsen participated in the conference “Wind power sector of Ukraine: transition from “green” tariff to market conditions” and shared his thoughts on how Danish wind power experience can be utilized in a Ukrainian context.
- Hromadske TV has launched a new TikTok campaign to reach a younger audience.
- Read more about the partnership with UNDP Ukraine.
- Ukrainian Union and employers sign declaration on health and safety - read more about this work through International Labout Organisation (ILO) Ukraine.
- UN Women has published a report on advancing gender equality and women's empowerment in Ukraine.
- The UNDP Ukraine has opened day centres in Donetsk and Luhansk to provide much-needed support to persons who have experienced domestic or gender-based violence.
- Danish Red Cross Ukraine has published their 2020 report.
- As always, keep up with the COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia.
- Denmark has launched an international accountability platform with 18 other countries as an instrument to document human rights abuses in Belarus
- The Ukranian-Danish Youth House commences its digital activities with an online kick-off event
- Read about the virtual talk between the Foreign Minister of Denmark, the former presidency candidate in Belarus, and partners of the New Democracy consortium
- The Danish ambassador to Ukraine has visited Armenia
- The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine has published their annual report
- Council of Europe Ukraine met with the mayor of Kyiv
- UNDP Ukraine has measured what Ukrainians know and think about their rights
- The support to Eastern Ukraine modernises its rescue work and support to survivors of violence
- Keep up with the COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
In this months feature, you can read about human rights and COVID-19 in times of war in Eastern Ukraine:
INVITATION: Launch of the New Democracy Fund 18 March 16.30
- We look forward to launching the New Democracy fund with a Live Talk on 18 March with the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Belarusian opposition leader, the director of Danish Culture Institute, and Berlingske journalist.
- Read about the latest Danish secondments to the Eastern neighbourhood region
- The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House in Kyiv has established a new advisory board and hosted a virtual talk show
- What is the link between human rights and business?
- EU's Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) has launched a newsletter
- The Danish partnership for green districts in Kremenchuk has been signed
- And so has the protocol for double tax avoidance in Ukraine
- European Endowment for Democracy (EED), of which Denmark is one of the primary partners, has launched a series of narrative stories from their grant receivers
- Keep up with the COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
- Additionally, you are all invited to the launch of the New Democracy Fund on 18 March 2021!
Ukrainian Red Cross has in cooperation with Danish Red Cross facilitated youth exchange initiatives focusing on mobility. Read more in this month's feature:
- The New Democracy Fund are open for applications for its rapid response mechanism
- The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House in Kyiv has a new director - read about her visions for the project
- Ukraine has received ventilators for their COVID-19 response from Denmark
- The Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs has bid the Georgian ambassador farewell and thanked him for his cooperation and friendship
- The Danish ambassador to Ukraine and Georgia reviews 2020
- A new report on Ukraine's reform process has been published
- A new phase has been launched by the Danish-Ukrainian energy partnership
- Keep up with the COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
The cooperation with the UN Peace and Stabilisation Programme in Ukraine has responded to the need for digital solutions during the pandemic. In this month's feature, you can reed more about new e-solutions contributing to citizens being able to reach social services:
- Read about the Danish and Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs' virtual meeting regarding the bilateral cooperation on COVID-19, human rights, reform processes, and more
- You can also read about the visions and Danish contribution behind the next phase of EU's Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI)
- The Ukrainian-Danish Youth House are open for applications for their advisory board
- The preparations for the Ukrainian Reform Conference has also begun
- The support to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has resulted in Georgia's first electric busses hitting the streets in Batumi
- Likewise, the support to the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P) has resulted in more schools in Georgia becoming sustainable
- As always, keep up with the COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
In this month's feature, you can read more about EUACI's support to investigative journalism in Ukraine:
- The Belarusian opposition leader, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, met with Danish civil society and the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs to share her idea of Belarusian challenges and needs
- The local election in Ukraine and the parliamentary election in Georgia has begun
- The Danish ambassador to Ukraine and Georgia presented the launch of two new youth projects in cooperation with Ukrainian Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, and Danish Red Cross Youth
- Georgia has adopted a new labour code reform package with Danish support through the International Labour Office (ILO)
- UN Women launches a new campaign against gender-based violence with Danish support through United National Development Programme (UNDP)
- Keep up with the latest COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
- The position as senior advisor in Kyiv is open for application
- The New Democracy Fund is a result of Denmark's resolute reaction to the human rights abuses in Belarus
- Danish grant to International Media Support (IMS) supports independent media in Belarus in regards to the protests against election fraud and violence against journalists
- Read about the expectations for the local election in Ukraine
- European Endowment for Democracy (EED) are increasing their support to Belarus
- Keep up with the latest COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
In this month's feature, you can read an interview with the Danish ambassador to Ukraine and Georgia:
- Read about the launch of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House in Kyiv with the Danish Minister of Foregin Affairs
- Read about the civil society dialogue regarding Belarus initiated by the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Danish support through the Danish Red Cross results in humanitarian aid in the streets of Belarus in cooperation with Belarusian Red Cross in regards to the protests against election fraud
- Keep up with the latest COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
- The Danish ambassador to Ukraine and Georgia has presented his visions for the Ukrainian president
- Danish support through the Council of Europe (CoE) has launched an essay competition about equality
- Ukraine celebrates 29 years of independence
- Keep up with the latest COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
- The Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs participated in video conference on the Eastern Partnership
- Three new projects under the Danish Eastern Neighbourhood Program involved the cooperation between Danish and Ukrainian youth organisations
- Danish mayor exchanges experiences with Ukrainian colleagues through U-LEAD's online forum
- DANIDA's 'Sustainable Infrastructure Finance Agreement' has been approved by the Ukrainian parliament
- Georgian-Danish cooperation on new energy code has begun
- Invitation to the virtual follow-up meeting for the peer meeting for Danish organisationens in Ukraine and Georgia regarding COVID-19
- National Agency on Corruption Prevention’s (NACP), a partner through EU's Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI), has registered over 900,000 e-declarations
- The Danish ambassador to Ukraine and Georgia talks about Ukraine and diplomacy in Danish radio
In this month's feature, you can read about the Danish support to Hromadske TV and the challenges with independent journalism in Ukraine:
- Keep up with the latest COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
- We introduces the new Danish ambassador to Ukraine and Georgia, Ole Egberg Mikkelsen
- Read about the virtual peer meeting for Danish organisations in Ukraine and Georgia
- The engagement through EU's Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) is further strengthened
- Ukraine's National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) present key achievement on the 100-day of their reboot
- Transparency International Ukraine publishes report on the corruption level in the Eastern neighbourhood region
- The Danish support to the Ukrainian COVID-19 response through United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in presented in numbers
- Ukraine - Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme (U-LEAD with Europe) reaches rural Ukraine during COVID-19
- Keep up with the latest COVID-19 developments in Ukraine and Georgia
- Denmark enhances the COVID-19 response in Ukraine through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- The European Commission mobilises emergency aid to the Eastern neighbourhood region
- With Denmark as a partner, Europe Foundation offers civil society organisations grants for problem solving initiatives in Georgia
- Read more about the support to the independent coverage of the COVID-19 crisis in Ukraine
- The Danish-supported Council of Europe (CoE) is launching an online event on human rights and equality during the COVID-19 crisis
- The Danish supported UN Women Ukraine has launched a report on gender-based violence in Eastern Ukraine and human rights for LGBTIQ+ women in Ukraine
- To celebrate the Zero Discrimination Day, you can read personal narrative stories from mentioned women
- Read also about parental equality in Georgia through the Danish support to Council of Europe (CoE)
- UN Women facilitates a course in startup businesses for women which Mariam Sharif participated in after having to refuge to Georgia because of her #NoHijab campagne in Iraq
- Danish support to Hromadske also addresses stigma against women. Read more about Veronikas struggle to become a police officer
In this month's feature, you can read about Lyubovs' fight to improve women's lives though her organisation 'Women's Perspective', supported by the Danish Eastern Neighbourhood Programme:
- Read about the Danish Minister of Foreign Affair's visit to Ukraine on 6-7 February
- A new plan for 70% clean energy in Ukraine by 2050 has been published by the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy which the Danish Eastern Neighbourhood Programme supports through the Ukraine-Denmark Energy Center (UDEC)
- The preparations has begun for the Danish-supported Ukrainian Reform Conference on 7 July
- Read about the life at the occupation line in Georgia through Foundation of Europe, supported by the Danish Eastern Neighbourhood Programme
- The corruption index for cities in Ukraine has been published by Transparency International who is a partner of the EU's Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI)
In this month's feature, you can read about the International Labour Office (ILO) in Ukraine who works on importing the social dialogue and collective negotiations, which we know from Denmark, to benefit the working parents and employees:
- Danish civil society and the Department for European Neighbourhood meet in a new network
- Ukraine adopts historic election code - read the interview with Denmark's international election advisor
- Ukraine-Dansk Energy Center (UDEC) launches advanced data base with open and transparent energy data
- Georgian youth builds green house in school yard through Europe Foundation's Youth Integration Programme, supported by the Danish Eastern Neighbourhood Programme
- Read about the Danish visit by the leader for the Ukrainian Support Group (SGUA) and his views on the country's development and challenges
- The Danish-supported independent media house Hromadske reviews 2019
In this month's feature, you can read an interview with Denmark's international election advisor in the Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and his comments on Ukraine's democracy process:
- We invite you to the peer meeting for Danish organisations with activities in Ukraine and Georgia
- Read about our visit by the Ukrainian parliament's energy delegation
- The Danish-supported and independent media house Hromadske turns 5 years and looks back on their accomplishments
- Prominent leaders under the cooperation with EU's Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI) is on the "Top 30 Under 30" list in the Kyiv Post
- In cooperation with the Georgian embassy, we present a line of movies in Cinemateket by movie director Sergei Paradjanov
- Read about RE:THINK Investment Forum in Mariupol, where the Danish ambassador to Ukraine participated and where we presented a new programme in the Azov region
- Read about the Danish Eastern Neighbourhood Programme's latest green investments
- Read about the Danish wind-energy cooperation with Ukraine
- Civil society reaches political levels in Ukraine by the appointment of the new deputy minister of energy and environment protection
- Read about the cooperation between Denmark, Ukraine and EU regarding the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI)
- Read about the high court for anti-corruption within the EUACI programme
- Read about Integrity Cities in Ukraine within the EUACI programme
- Read about the Transparency Cities Programme within the EUACI programme
- Read more about the independent journalism supported by the EUACI programme
- We invite you to the Reform Conference in Toronto, Georgia, and Ukraine
- Denmark congratulates the Ukrainian president with the election
- Read more about the election observation from a Danish perspective
- Listen to the interview with the Danish ambassador to Ukraine regarding Ukraine and Denmark's partnership
- Read about the Danish Minister of Defence's visit to Ukraine
- Read about the cultural event 'Danish Days' in Mariupol