’Call for Proposals’: Support to Energy Security in Ukraine
A 'Call for Proposals' will be conducted with a focus on the acute energy crisis in Ukraine through the establishment of resilient and decentralised power back-up and hybrid power supply systems, including solar energy solutions with either battery storage or generator back-up.
The applicant must 1) have an existing agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for ongoing Danida funding, e.g., under the Strategic Partnerships 2022-2025 (SPA agreement); 2) document that they have experience in implementing projects and partnership collaboration within early recovery and cooperation with Ukrainian authorities, including the authorities in Mykolaiv.
The application deadline is Friday, August 2 at 12:00.
The purpose of the initiative is to contribute to securing the energy supply for critical infrastructure (such as hospitals, water supply, schools, public institutions, and traffic regulation) by establishing decentralized back-up and hybrid supply systems.
Under this 'Call for Proposals,' up to DKK 40 million is reserved for efforts in Ukraine regarding the establishment of decentralized power back-up and hybrid supply systems in connection with critical infrastructure and public buildings.
A more detailed description of the background, purpose and criteria for the application and process can be found in the Information Note here.
On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, from 11:00 to 12:00, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold a virtual information meeting. Here, there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the Information Note.
Registration can be done by sending an email to [email protected].
Application format can be found in Word format here.
Oversigt over spørgsmål og svar fra informationsmødet d. 16. juli 2024:
Q1: Geographic coverage? What would be the expectation of covering other areas?
MFA: as per the information note, 60 % of the proposed activities should focus on Mykolaiv. The criteria for the other 40 percent would be based on a need assessment and analysis of the situation. This assessment would focus on critical need, clear added value for concentrating on that area, such as being on the front-line, lack of funding despite critical energy needs, or other analysis indicating it would be beneficial to focus on that area.
Q2: Concerning traffic regulation. Would it be possible to give a little bit more information as to what is expected for that? Are pumping for sewage also included?
MFA: Traffic safety has been mentioned in some areas, but it is not considered critical infrastructure and will not significantly help people during the winter months. Regarding the sewer system, it is considered a critical area.
Q3: The same process as previously concerning documentation?
MFA: Yes, the same process as previously.