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NGO call for proposal: I) Ligestilling og inklusion og II) Frie pluralistiske medier, digital modstandskraft og demokratisk teknologiudvikling

Som en del af Naboskabsprogrammet ønsker Udenrigsministeriet at styrke indsatsen inden for to temaer: (i) ’Ligestilling og inklusion’, og (ii) ’Frie pluralistiske medier, digital modstandskraft og demokratisk teknologiudvikling’. Der kan højst ansøges om DKK 30 mio. inden for ligestillingstemaet og højst DKK 40 mio. inden for medietemaet. Aktiviteterne skal som udgangspunkt gennemføres inden for perioden december 2024 til november 2027 (36 måneder). Geografisk skal indsatserne have fokus på Ukraine, Moldova og Georgien, mens medietemaet tillige gerne ses at omfatte regionale aktiviteter i de resterende af EU’s østlige naboskabslande.

Ansøgningen skal være Udenrigsministeriet i hænde senest mandag den 14. oktober 2024 kl. 12.00. Nærmere beskrivelse af baggrund, formål samt ansøgningskriterier og -proces, kan findes i informationsnoten her. Annex 1 & 2 kan findes i Word-format her.

Torsdag den 19. september 2024 kl. 10 - 11 afholder Udenrigsministeriet et fysisk informationsmøde med mulighed for virtuel deltagelse. Her vil der være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål til Informationsnoten. Tilmelding kan ske til [email protected] senest d. 17. september 2024.

Overblik over spørgsmål fra informationsmøde torsdag den 19. september:

Q1: Does the money have to be split equally between the three countries (for gender and equality)?

A: No, it does not. There is flexibility. Ukraine is a bigger country, so it is not expected to be an equal three-way split.

Q2: What should programme planning for Georgia look like given the current situation?

A: Activities in Georgia should have a budget allocation. The partner should describe some potential activities but remain largely flexible dependent on the political development in-country.

Q3: Regarding adaptive programming, it can be difficult to track unallocated budget. Is it possible to include the unallocated budget within the country budget?

A: Yes, but the MFA will recommend some flexibility to allow for changes within the context. It is possible to do separate budget line, but there is a need to include some unallocated funds. Beware of a too detailed budget, where you will have to reallocate money every six months.

Q4: Is there expectation to include activities in the results frameworks?

A: No, activities do not need to be included in the results frameworks of the project proposals but should be described – again allowing for flexibility – within the proposal.

Q5: Can you elaborate on the requirement of twinning collaboration?

A: Twinning is about including Danish partners in the cooperation. The Danish partner should have an active self-interest in participating, not just from a profit point of view, so that sustainability is enhanced.

Q6: Can the project proposal include initiatives on climate change?

A: Climate change has not been included as a central priority in either of the two thematic areas and is not included in the score criteria.

Q7: Does Ukraine require a separate results framework and budget?

A: Yes, it requires a separate results framework. The budget should also be separate but can be included as another sheet in the same Excel file.

Q8: Are there any specific guidelines for the Theory of Change?

A: No.

Q9: Regarding the focus on people living with disabilities in the information note, what should cooperation with organisations within this area look like?

A: The lead applicant’s role is to mainstream and develop the capacity for organisations you work with to better include and have a stronger focus on people living with disabilities.

Q10: Do universities live up to the requirement of a ‘selvejende’ institution?

A: This will depend on a specific assessment. We also highlight the requirement of the lead applicant being an existing recipient of Danida funding.

Q11: Is it possible to include Armenia in the Gender Equality and Inclusion Programme, like it is possible to do for the Free and Pluralistic Media?

A: Yes, it will be possible to include regional activities - such as network cooperation between local and Danish organisations - that are more generally aimed at the six Eastern neighbourhood countries. This also includes efforts in Armenia.