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'Call for proposals': Styrkelse af civilsamfund - herunder civilsamfundets bidrag til genopbygning samt til fremme af social modstandskraft                                                   

Ukraine og de østlige naboskabslande

For at styrke civilsamfundet i Ukraine og naboskabslandene, gennemføres et ’Call for Proposals’.

Ansøgeren skal have en eksisterende aftale med Udenrigsministeriet om løbende Danida-finansiering (SPA-aftale eller lignende) og ved indsendelse af ansøgningen være aktuel modtager af Danida bistandsmidler. For små og mellemstore danske civilsamfundsorganisationer, der ikke har SPA-aftale, vil der blive etableret en særlig ’Naboskabspulje’ under CISU, ligesom der kan søges om finansiering gennem Den Ny Demokratifond.

Fristen er mandag d. 25. september kl. 12.00.

Det overordnede formål med dette ’Call for Proposals’ er at styrke civilsamfundet i Ukraine og de EU’s østlige naboskabslande inden for fire prioritetsområder. Områderne er:

  1. Ukraine: Genopbygning, social modstandskraft og inddragelse af civilsamfundet (op til 100 mio. kr.).
    Formålet er, at bidrage til tidlig genopbygning samt styrke den sociale sammenhængskraft i Mykolaiv by og region. Der vil blive lagt vægt på, at indsatsen - samtidig med at den bidrager til genopbygning og social sammenhængskraft - bidrager til at styrke civilsamfundsorganisationer som demokratiske aktører og aktive partnere i den demokratisk genopbygning af Ukraine. Ligeledes støtte fokuseret kapacitetsopbygning af civilsamfundet i Ukraine.

  2. Ukraine, Georgien, Moldova: Mobilisering af unge i civilsamfundet (op til 15 mio. kr.). Formålet er at styrke unge som sociale og demokratiske aktører, og at nå unge uden for storbyerne.

  3. Ukraine og Belarus: Krigsforbrydelser og menneskerettighedsovertrædelser (op til 25 mio. kr.). Formålet er at yde psykosocial og juridisk støtte til pårørende og ofre for krigsforbrydelser, tortur og menneskerettighedsovertrædelser og at samle dokumentation af overgreb med henblik på forebyggelse og fortalervirksomhed.

  4. Georgien: Arbejdsmarkedet (op til 10 mio. kr.). Formålet er at styrke demokratiske og aktive fagbevægelser og arbejdsmarkedsorganisationer samt fremme den sociale konfliktløsende dialog på arbejdsmarkedet.

Nærmere beskrivelse af baggrund, formål samt ansøgningskriterier og -proces, kan findes i informationsnoten herUdenrigsministeriet afholder informationsmøde onsdag d. 30. august kl. 13.00-14.00 (kan tilgås virtuelt) for at besvare spørgsmål.

Annex 1 & 2 kan findes i Word-format her.

Tilmelding via [email protected] samt Ditte Krgh Olesen [email protected].

Baggrundsnotaterne vedrørende sektorer, refereret til under spørgsmål 22 nedenfor, kan fremsendes ved henvendelse på [email protected]


Oversigt over spørgsmål og svar fra informationsmødet d. 30. august 2023: 


Q 1. Can one organisation submit proposals to multiple priority areas/lots?

Answer: Yes. One organisation can forward proposals for more than one lot.

Likewise, one proposal can cover more than one lot. Then, however, it is a requirement to specify the objectives, outcomes, outputs and budget for each lot (priority area) – as  the proposals (or this specific part of the proposal) will be evaluated per priority area.


Q 2. Is there any limit as to how much an organisation can apply for pr. lot?

Answer: No. It is the overall aim to limit the number of granted proposals. However, lot 1 is expected to include funding for 3-5 proposals - depending on the scoring and evaluation of the proposals.


Q 3. If an organisation submits a proposal for one priority area with a specific budget, can the MFA approve it with a reduced budget?

Answer: Yes.


Q 4. Is it possible to make a proposal covering multiple countries in a certain lot?

Answer: Yes. It is preferred that a proposal covers all mentioned countries in a certain lot. In priority area four, focus should be on the labour market in Georgia as specified in the call.


Q 5. There are two bullets/objectives in lot 1. How does the MFA prioritise between the two?

Answer: The first bullet/objective is targeting Mykolaiv city and region. The aim is that not less than 60% of the budget is directed to Mykolaiv. The second bullet covers capacity development of national CSOs – or CSOs outside the Mykolaiv region. Proposals might focus on one of the bullets/objectives or both.


Q 6. Regarding the four year project period mentioned in the call, should the budget for the last three years be as detailed as the first year or should it be an estimate?

Answer: the MFA will only assess the budget for the first year. The mentioning of a four year time horizon is to indicate, that partnerships and activities (to the extent possible) ought to be planned with a longer time horizon than the 12 month. Thus, an estimated budget for subsequent years can be included to show the direction and ambition of the intervention.


Q 7. Is it possible to include activities in a proposal that build on, or continue, activities funded as part of MFA assistance to early recovery in 2022?

Answer: Yes.


Q 8. Can a consortium apply?

Answer: Yes. However, the lead applicant, which will be overall responsible for the implementation, must be an organisation eligible for the Call for Proposals. Admin costs at a total of 7 % can be covered according to MFA guidelines.


Q 9. Can a Danish or Ukrainian private company be a part of the consortium applied?

Answer: Private companies can be partners in the project but not contract holders with the MFA. Nor can private partners receive funding through this call. Private companies may be included as consultancy services if this is part of the implementation design, but this must be done with a view to cost efficiency and value for money (i.e. invite several offers/tenders). Applicants must be civil society organisations, and should be strategic partners or other organisations with a current financial agreement with the MFA as per the guidelines for the call.


Q 10. Will it be possible to be part of two applications?

Answer: Yes. However, the aim is to limit the number of granted proposals.


Q 11. Does the eligibility criteria for the lead partner in a consortium also apply to the other members of a consortium?

Answer: No.


Q 12. Is it possible for an organisation to apply for one lot and also be part of a consortium in another lot?

Answer: Yes.


Q 13. If a project includes advocacy activities aimed at the national level, is this feasible in lot 1 (priority area 1)?

Answer: Yes.


Q 14. How are the 15 million divided in priority area 2?

Answer: The 15 million is for the whole area. MFA would like an application covering all three countries in priority area 2.


Q 15. Any consideration of how many applications will be accepted in lots 2, 3 and 4?

Answer: 1-2 applications.


Q 16. Can you elaborate on “eller lignende organisationer” re. eligibility (page 6)

Answer: Either an organisation should have a SPA agreement or an ongoing financial agreement with the MFA.


Q 17. When will CISU guidelines for the newly established CISU neighbourhood fund be finalizsed?

Answer: At the meeting CISU informed, that they are expecting to publish the guidelines during the fall 2023.


Q 18. Does ‘civil society’  also include academic institutions?

Answer: A broad definition of civil society also includes academia. However, the core is to strengthen civil society as people organising themselves democratically.


Q 19. Are the 8 weeks inception phase to be part of the 12 month or 24 month project period?

Answer: Yes.


Q 20. When can we expect feedback from the Ministry and when can we expect to start the implementation?

Answer: 6th of October.


Q 21. Will external appraisal take place before October 6th

Answer: No. Furthermore, no external appraisals are expected for lot 1.


Q 22. Are there more background documents, for example studies that have been done with the work in Ukraine?

Answer: The strategic note for reconstruction can be found hereSector studies elaborated as preparation for the strategic note on reconstruction can be requested by mail at [email protected].


Q 23. Can specific private companies be identified in project proposals that are submitted and led by a Danish NGO with existing Danida funding without these services having been tendered, insofar that the private company/companies and the NGO have an existing, relevant agreement?

Answer: Applicants are responsible for ensuring that funds are spent with a due consideration to economy, efficiency and effectiveness. To document cost efficiency and value for money in relation to, i.a., an audit, applicants can choose to, e.g., issue an invitation to tender, conduct a closed tender or conduct a market assessment when engaging a consultant. This process can happen during the application process or after the letter of commitment.


Q 24a. Insofar the answer to the above question (number 23) is ‘no’: In regard to private companies, do you differentiate between for-profit and non-profit private companies? For example, would a non-profit be able to take part as partners in a consortium led by a Danish NGO with existing Danida funding?

Answer: Private companies cannot receive any funds from the MFA and can therefore not be an applicant, part of a consortium, or an equal partner on par with an applicant/receiver of funds. Private companies may be included as consultancy services if this is part of the implementation design. For more information, please see the above reply (question 9).


Q 24b. Insofar the answer to the above question (number 23) is ‘yes’: Would for-profit companies be able to participate in a consortium led by a Danish NGO with existing Danida funding, insofar that these commit to only delivering services according to their actual hourly rates (i.e. no profit generation from the service)?

Answer: Private companies cannot receive any funds from the MFA and can therefore not be an applicant, part of a consortium or an equal partner on par with an applicant/fund receiver. Private companies may be included as consultancy services if this is part of the implementation design. For more, please see the above reply (question 9).


Q 25. What are the reporting guidelines for these projects? Will the reporting requirements be the ones described in 'Guidelines for Strategic Partnerships 2022-2025'?

Answer: The guidelines for monitoring and reporting on these projects can be found here.


Q 26. From the application form (Annex 1), it appears that the upper page limit for the application is 10-12 pages, without Annex 2 and Annex 3. Is it right to assume that this page count is also without other annexes which are referred to on page 3 in the application form, so that it is Annex 1 that is 10-12 pages?

Answer: Yes, the 10-12 pages are without all annexes. 



EUN 11. september 2023