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NGO ’Call for proposals’: Addressing impacts of climate change and displacement and promotion of preparedness and early action at the Horn of Africa

Som en del af Danmarks humanitære bistand til Afrikas Horn ønsker Udenrigsministeriet at styrke indsatsen inden for klima og fordrivelse. Der kan højst ansøges om 30 mio. kr., der som udgangspunkt skal være gennemført inden for 24 mdr. Geografisk skal aktiviteterne finde sted i Kenya, Etiopien og/eller Somalia.

Med dette åbne ’call for proposals’ inviteres danske strategiske partnere (SPA’er) til, i konsortier, at fremsende projektforslag inden for det beskrevne tema. Der forventes ydet bevillinger til maksimalt tre ansøgninger.

Midlerne tildeles i henhold til prioriteter og kriterier som beskrevet i den udarbejdede informationsnote.

Ansøgningerne skal udarbejdes i henhold til ’vejledningen for udarbejdelse af ansøgning’ (anneks 2) og være Udenrigsministeriet i hænde senest 10. november 2023 kl. 16.

Se informationsnoten her.

Se retningslinjer for enkeltprojekter her.

Såfremt der skulle være spørgsmål, skal disse rettes skriftligt til Udenrigsministeriet på [email protected]. Svarene bliver herefter offentliggjort på denne side.

Oversigt over spørgsmål og svar

Overall guidance on composition of consortia and partnerships

The NGO Call for Proposals on Addressing impacts of climate change and displacement and promotion of preparedness and early action at the Horn of Africa states that submitted proposals must be made through consortia, and that “a consortium can consist of either 1) a SPA Lead Applicant and another Danish partner organisation or ii) a SPA Lead Applicant and an international partner organisation.

The primary aim of this is to encourage broad partnerships across existing partners that will develop innovative approaches to climate displacement and early/anticipatory action.

The criteria around the composition of consortia should be seen as minimum criteria, and we encourage formation of partnerships across international and national partners. While there is a limit on the number of consortium members (3), there are no restrictions on the number of local partners. At least 25% of funding shall be implemented through local partners.

Question 1
En betingelse for at byde på CfP er, at ’lead applicant’ – i dette tilfælde [organisation] - indgår i et konsortie. Vi er i tvivl om definitionen på et ’konsortie’ i den aktuelle sammenhæng. Vi påtænker et projekt, som vil blive udviklet i et samarbejde mellem [organisation] og [anden national søsterorganisation af samme organisation].

Vil et kontraktligt forpligtende samarbejde mellem ligeværdige, selvstændige partnere under den samme føderation [moderorganisation] kunne betegnes som et konsortie?

Answer 1:
Another branch of the same organisation is not considered eligible as a consortium partner, as this goes against the purpose encouraging broad partnerships. The national branch of the organization would be considered as an implementing partner.

Question 2
Rigtig spændende call, og vi har et første spørgsmål, vi kigger pt på et eksistende consortium vi har på tværs af [lande], det er dog med tre lokale partnere og ikke med nogle INGO partnere, ville dette kunne blive accepteret fra jeres side?

Answer 2:
Refer to overall guidance on composition of consortia and partnerships

Question 3
Besides other partners, we are planning to work with government agencies, especially for capacity building regarding the early warning component.  Can we under this call transfer funds to them for the activities they take charge of? And considering the important role they will fill out on the ground; can they be considered as local partners?

Answer 3:
While government agencies are not considered eligible consortium partners, they could possibly be part of the project and receive some sub-granting or be part of capacity-building. In the context of this NGO call, government agencies and local authorities are considered as local partners.

Question 4
Does the definition of consortium refer to international NGOs only? For example, does the sentence “A consortium can consist of minimum two and maximum three partners” refer to number of INGOs or does it also refer to the number of local partner organizations? Following this question: are there any restrictions on the number of local partners?

Answer 4:
Refer to overall guidance on composition of consortia and partnerships

Question 5
It is a requirement to apply as a consortium, i.e. 2-3 organizations forming a consortium and applying together. Just to be clear: can you confirm if local/national organizations qualify as consortium partners?

Answer 5:
Yes, it is a requirement to apply as a consortium, with a SPA partner as Lead Applicant. Refer to overall guidance on composition of consortia and partnerships

Question 6
Please clarify how/where local/implementing partners fit in – are they to be considered part of the consortium, and as such as part of the max 3 partners, or is it minimum 2 maximum 3 Danish/International partners, and an unlimited/unspecified number of local implementing partners?

Answer 6:
Yes, it is minimum 2 maximum 3 Danish/International partners, and an unlimited/unspecified number of local implementing partners.

Question 7
Please clarify if as an SPA partner it is possible to be part of several applications, e.g. Lead Applicant in one, and partner/co-applicant in another

Answer 7:
No, a SPA partner can only be part of one consortium, either as Lead or Secondary applicant.

Question 8
On page 2 in the information note it says that Proposed projects must be located in either Kenya, Ethiopia and/or Somalia. Are you including Somaliland in this geographic definition or will proposals including Somaliland be rejected?

Answer 8:
Project proposals with activities in Somaliland fall within the criteria for this CfP.

Question 9
We would like to know if e.g. [other national branches of organisation] would be accepted as an international organization or if international institutions, universities, consultancies (profit organisations) would be eligible as an international organization part of the consortium together with the SPA partner as Lead. If none of these examples would be eligible then please provide us with a definition.

Answer 9 :
Other national branches of a lead applicant’s organisation are not considered eligible consortia partners. Neither are universities or for-profit organisations. National branches, universities or for-profit organisations would be considered implementing partners.

Question 10
Is co-funding required, allowed, or considered an advantage to proposals?

Answer 10:
Co-financing is allowed, but not a requirement.

Question 11
Referring to the Project Description template,Is the listing of key personnel incl. bios only required for consortium partners?

  1. Please indicate whether ‘the applicant and potential partners’ includes only consortium partners or also implementing partners.
  2. As a Danish NGO, [organisation] does not have firsthand experience e.g., as a ‘third-party conflict mediator’ but relies on local implementing partners’ capability. Please advise if implementing partners’ experience in specific fields can be categorized as an integrated part of (or supplementing) the applicant’s experience.
  3. ‘One reference per consortium partner for similar assignments’ must be included in the Project Description. We assume that it is still required to list three references (per consortium partner) in Annex 8, as well as the one reference to be quoted in the Project Description can be freely selected among these.

Answer 11:
The lead applicant and the consortium’s capacity to deliver the outcomes will be an assessment of all partners (consortium and implementing partners). Implementing partners' experience will also be considered. 

For consortium partners, please list only one references per partner (none needed for the SPA lead). For local implementing partners, please submit a capacity statement instead of a reference.   

All partners, including local partners, must be able to document some level of experience, capacity and presence of relevance to the project. 

Question 12
Consortium partner descriptions’ and ‘Local partner assessment’

  1. Please confirm that there are no formal requirements regarding content or sources of ‘Consortium partner descriptions’.
  2. Please indicate whether a local partner assessment is required to be a formal assessment carried out by an external party. 
  3. The information note does not mention a requirement for an assessment of consortium partners besides the lead applicant. Please confirm that this has been understood correctly. 

Answer 12:
1. Confirmed
2. The assessment can be carried out by the consortium lead or any other, but must provide sufficient confidence in the qualifications of the partners.
3. The applicant’s capacity to deliver the outcomes will be an assessment of all partners (consortium and implementing partners).