Administrative retningslinjer for de strategiske partnerskaber 2022-2025
Den seneste version af de administrative retningslinjer inklusiv annekser for de Strategiske Partnerskaber 2022-2025 fremgår her:
- Guidelines Strategic Partnerships 2022-2025
- Annex 1: Template for orientation of allocation of unallocated flexible funds
- Annex 2: Budget Summary (incl. 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D)
- Annex 2E: Cost categories
- Annex 3: Budget monitoring and audited accounts template
- Annex 4: Audit instruction
- Annex 5: Form for reporting suspicion of irregularities
- Annex 6: Transfer of Assets
- Annex 7: Disbursement request
- Annex 8: Guidance on Rio markers and environment reporting
- Annex 8A: Rio marker and environment report template
- Annex 8B: Sources and tools to aid Environment and Rio marking
Annex 9: Guidelines SPA portfolio-level results system (SPRS)