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Legalisation of Danish documents




It is now an option to legalise documents issued by Danish authorities if they are received electronically through Digital Post.

Please see our guidelines here

This option supports many digital self-service solutions of Danish authorities.

The legalised documents will be issued as physical documents and legalised with a physical Apostille. They must be collected physically or returned by post or courier. 

Below guidelines will be adjusted accordingly as soon as possible. 

Find the webshop here.

After making a purchase, you have two options:

  • Personally go to the Legalisation Office during the opening hours. Submit the original document and wait for it to be legalised.
  • Send the original document by post. Make sure to enclose the receipt from the webshop.

Once the document is legalised, we will send it back to you using the delivery method you selected.

Please note that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not responsible for the shipment.


Questions and guidance

If you have any questions regarding the legalisation process, you can start a chat with our chatbot click here to start the chatbot.

You can also refer to our webshop guide by clicking here.


Please note:

For a document to be legalised, it needs to be signed by a Danish public authority using either a physical wet/signature or a digital signature. We do not accept scanned or copied signatures.

  • If the document is digitally signed by a Danish public authority, you need to upload it directly on the webshop during the purchase.
  • Currently, digital signatures are only available for criminal records, transcripts from the Danish Business Authorities, documents from the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs, digitally student diplomas (STX, HHX or HTX after 2004) from the Ministry of Children and Education and certificates from the Danish Maritime Authority.
  • A digital document does not necessarily have a digital signature. You need to request a document with a digital signature from the relevant authority yourself.
  • To check if a document has been digitally signed by a Danish public authority, open it as a PDF file. If a blue bar appears at the top of the document, it means it has a digital signature. Digitally signed documents must be uploaded directly from e-Boks to the webshop.


Documents which we have not been able to legalise, or which have not been collected or could not be sent off due to lack of postage, will be shredded three months after receipt here in the Legalisation.